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Jogja Customs Officials Who Show Off Their Treasures Will Immediately Be Removed


Ministry of Finance (MoF) Firmly crack down on employees who often show off their wealth or style lavishly on social media. Most recently, the Ministry of Finance will remove an official from the Directorate General of Customs and Excise (DJBC) in Yogyakarta.

The official was named Eko Darmanto or ED. He is the Head of the Special Region of Yogyakarta (DIY) Customs and Excise Office.

“Regarding this, we can say that the Directorate General of Customs and Excise through the Directorate of Internal Compliance and the Secretary of the Directorate General of DJBC have summoned the person concerned,” Deputy Minister of Finance Suahasil Nazara said at a press conference, Wednesday (1/3/2023).

As for the results of the ED examination, some of the assets on display were not his. The Ministry of Finance said ED had promised not to show off his wealth again.

“From the results of the inspection so far, it can be conveyed as follows; the photo in question is in front of the airplane, according to the person concerned the photo was taken in the context of flight training, the DGCE team’s search confirmed that the aircraft belonged to the Indonesian Aero Sport Federation (FASI),” he said.

“Regarding the upload of the photo in question that is excessive or showing off, the person concerned has admitted his mistake and promised to correct it,” he added.

Then, regarding the motorbike he was riding in and uploaded on social media, Suahasil said that the motorbike was a borrowed motorbike.

“Third, from an inspection conducted by the compliance directorate at DJBC, the large motorbike displayed on social media that is used in question is a loan,” he said.

According to ED’s confession, he had a big motorbike (moge) and was not reported in the LHKPN. The Ministry of Finance will also conduct further investigations in this regard.

“However, ED admits that he has large motorbike assets that are not reported in the LHKPN, therefore I have instructed the Ministry of Finance’s Inspectorate General team with the Directorate General of Customs and Excise to follow up and investigate with further research on behavior, compatibility of assets and debts in the LHKPN, matched including tax return report,” said Suahasil.

Suahasil said ED would be removed from his position. This removal is to facilitate the inspection process.

“In order to facilitate the inspection, I have instructed the Directorate General of Customs and Excise to waive the lawsuit for removal from office, okay, so I will immediately be relieved of duty because until now it has not been,” he concluded.

See also video ‘Attorney General Arrests 3 Batam Customs Officials’:


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