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Jogging: Tips: How to run fit through the winter – money & life

Lacing sports shoes in spite of snow and sub-zero temperatures is often not easy, but is good for your health. What especially beginners have to consider.

In winter, it is more attractive than ever: the couch. When it is cold and wet outside, most people prefer to curl up on the beloved piece of furniture in a warm blanket rather than venture into the fresh air.

But if you want to stay fit and harden yourself against infections, you have to overcome the inner bastard and venture out. I know that too Tobias Grobl, German cross-country champion in 2012. He reveals how even beginners can do everything right when running in winter:

Proper clothing is essential when running in winter

bless you: Of course, running on cold days is always accompanied by a small risk, that must be Gröbl admit: “It’s a tightrope walk. You shouldn’t go running at temperatures below minus 15 degrees. ”He particularly recommends beginners freezing temperatures only loose runs without speed training. “Short distances are good for inexperienced people, where you don’t overexert yourself. Otherwise the risk of catching a cold is too high. “

Dress: For experienced athletes like Gröbl there is of course no bad weather, just bad clothes. And it is precisely this that must be the right one in winter. “You should wear functional clothing, preferably in the so-called onion look,” he explains. Cotton clothing, on the other hand, is unsuitable because it does not release moisture to the outside and the athlete quickly begins to freeze. “A hat is particularly important because most of the heat comes out of the body through the head,” says Gröbl, He even wears a hat at ten degrees plus. Gloves are also recommended.

A hot bath is good after running in winter

Shoes: It should be special running shoes. Sporting goods manufacturers offer different models that were specially made for the winter months. Some are not only suitable for runners, but also for hikers or walkers. Meanwhile there are also great functional socks, reveals Gröbl,

Nutrition: It goes without saying that athletes should not go for fast food before training. Light food is noisy Gröbl but well suited. “It is important to drink a lot, even before you run.” In general, however, anyone who starts running training should get a doctor’s check-up beforehand.

Maintenance: “A hot bath is very good for me, especially in very cold temperatures,” says Gröbl, At least he advises a warm shower. It is also recommended to massage the legs after running. The sun should not be underestimated even in winter. Skin and eyes should definitely be protected from UV radiation. Sunglasses help when you’re on the go and also against wind-bleeding eyes. Fatty creams prevent the skin from drying out, which can happen very quickly in the cold.

Editor’s note: This article is a contribution from our online archive.

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