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Jõgevamaa region nominates Tanel Kiige as the candidate for the chairman of the Central Party

The board of the Jõgevamaa region of the Estonian Center Party nominates Tanel Kiige as the chairman candidate for the extraordinary congress.

At the board meeting of the Jõgevamaa region, it was decided to present Jaak Aab, Taavi Aas, Enn Eesmaa, Andre Hanimägi, Maria Jufereva-Skuratovski, Jaanus Karilaid, Jüri Ratas, Ester Tuiksoo and Triin Varek as candidates for board members.

“We support Tanel Kiike and his team, because the chairman of the political party must be able to implement his ideas,” said the chairman of Jõgeva County Andres Vaan. “Tanel has proven with his previous actions that he cares about the livelihood of people outside of Tallinn. In addition, Tanel has an impeccable reputation and is a worthy candidate to represent Estonia as prime minister.”

Andres Kalvik, head of the party’s public relations and chairman of the Raplamaa region, will be nominated as a member of the revision committee of the Central Party.

The extraordinary congress of the Center Party will be held on September 10 in the E-Piima sports hall in Paide. The chairman of the party, members of the board of the party, members of the revision committee and the chairman of the court of honor are elected. More than 1,000 delegates are expected in Paide.

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