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JoeyStarr completely tackles Patrick Balkany after his dance at the music festival in Levallois

The video of Patrick Balkany dancing happily during the music festival made internet users laugh (very) yellow. After spending a few months in prison, the former mayor of Levallois-Perret was released following the report given by the medical team, deeming his state of health worrying, making imprisonment impossible.

Sentenced to 4 years in prison, including one suspended, because accused of false declarations of patrimony and laundering of tax evasions, the 71-year-old man however appeared to be in good shape on Sunday, June 21, 2020, during the music festival.

Video goes viral on social media

A video of Patrick Balkany dancing happily quickly made the buzz on the internet. Citizens are outraged to see that he appears so fit, while the media has relayed information concerning his worrying state of health.

When she came to get him out of prison, his wife Isabelle Balkany insisted that she would take good care of him, she who was so worried to see him wasting away in prison like this.

A few months later, it seems that the politician has recovered well, as he appears in good shape, dancing with good humor on June 21, on the occasion of the music festival.

Internet users outraged by video

The video was viewed millions of times and drew thousands of very negative comments. Internet users say they are tired of this two-tier justice which does not condemn powerful, rich and white men.

“He’s better, he can go back to prison right?” “; “He is ashamed of nothing, incredible. Instead of keeping a low profile, it sways in the middle of the street ”; “It’s good to have legal problems and be white at the same time”; “The swindler’s dance”; “It is high time to summon the judges” (…) Can be read on Twitter.

Internet users are annoyed, shocked to see it displayed like this, even though public opinion is already against it. Above all, his attitude totally contrasts with what his wife said about his state of health. As a reminder, it was ” literally exhausted from anemia and pain“. He’s better, that’s for sure.

The Balkany couple concealed 13 million euros from the FISC
Source : capture Twitter

JoeyStarr clashe Patrick Balkany

Rapper and actor JoeyStarr is known for not having his tongue in his pocket and for speaking out loud. Obviously, like thousands of French people, he was shocked by the video of Patrick Balkany dancing happily in the street, before everyone’s eyes.

He did not hesitate long before sharing a humorous montage. In this video, images from Psy’s Gangnam Style clip have been modified to reveal Patrick Balkany’s head on the singer’s dancing body.

To accompany his video, the actor from Polisse has put the following hashtag:

  • #Balkany
  • #DouceFrance
  • #humourdemerdequinemakequimimimaisjassume
  • #But what are the police doing

Through humor, Joeystarr shows what he thinks of the actions of the French politician and the rapper’s fans did not fail to react, commenting en masse on his video and also giving their opinion – similar to that of the French star.

JoeyStarr as a couple with Pierre Palmade? The crazy rumor

If JoeyStarr made the headlines recently, it was not because of a rant but ofa crazy rumor circulating in Paris and that decided to tell Laurent Ruquier. We lent the rapper a relationship with Pierre Palmade, after they met in a bar and spent the end of the evening at Pierre’s house, both of them.

Annoyed by the noise, the neighbors of actor Pierre Palmade went knocking on his door and were surprised to be greeted at 4 am by JoeyStarr. It was enough for them to think they had discovered a secret relationship between the two men.

But it is really only a story of friendship, and nothing more. We are not ready to lend a relationship between JoeyStarr and Patrick Balkany in any case.

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