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Joey Kelly gets basketball tips from Jonas Mattisseck

April 23, 2020 – 2:22 pm

Help for needy children who are particularly hard hit by the Corona crisis

Why wait until the next RTL donation marathon? Joey Kelly now wants to help children in need who are particularly hard hit by the corona crisis. Therefore, the endurance athlete started his next 24-hour endurance campaign at 8 a.m. today. RTL.de shows the entire “24h Kelly Corona Challenge” in a live stream.

Help via SMS: Send the word Corona to 44 8 44 (10 euros / SMS + transportation costs if applicable)
Or help online at www.rtlwirhelfenkinder.de

Here is the live stream in full screen.

“I’m happy about everyone who joins in at home and supports me with it”

Due to the current situation, this sporting challenge naturally takes place at Joey Kelly’s home. “I can not just sit around in my yard. I want to help and do what I do best: with crazy challenges to raise money for children in need. I am happy about everyone who joins in at home and supports me with it,” said Joey Kelly.

Support the “24h Kelly Corona Challenge” with an SMS or help online.

It started at 8 a.m. on the elliptical machine, at 9 a.m. Joey switched to a tandem, his son Luke was the co-driver. The two Kellys received tips from Christina Vogel. The most successful track cyclist of all time (including 2x Olympic gold) has been bound to a wheelchair since a training accident in 2018. She joined in and gave Joey tips on how to drive in a circle. She also spoke to Joey about crises, fighting, and getting up again.

It continued at 10 a.m. with a brisk samba dance. Here, too, Joey was supported by his son Luke, dancing to the summer hit of the 1997 “Samba de Janeiro” by Bellini. What many do not know: Joey’s wife Tanja was a member of the Bellini group and a star like Joey. Joey also received support from Motsi Mabuse. She gave valuable tips on the movements. Good for Joey, because dancing is definitely not one of his favorite disciplines. Afterwards there was even a serenade with sister Patricia Kelly.

The challenge challenges at a glance

  • 8 am Cross-trainer challenge in the barn
  • 9am indoor tandem in the barn with son Luke
  • 10 a.m. dancing with son Luke in the barn, supported by Motsi Mabuse
  • 11 a.m. wheelbarrow parcour in the courtyard
  • 12 o’clock rowing ergometer in the barn
  • 1 p.m. balancing on the high wire
  • 2:00 p.m. basketball with tips from international player Jonas Mattisseck
  • 3 p.m. table tennis with son Luke and tips from Timo Boll
  • 4pm goal wall shooting with Fredi Bobic
  • 5 p.m. Kettcar driving, commented by Formula 1 voice Christian Danner
  • 6 p.m. Home Fitness with Lars Riedel
  • 7 p.m. climbing stairs

24 hours, 24 sports – everything at home! On the elliptical machine, treadmill or high wire, climbing stairs, table tennis, egg-running or chopping wood – Joey Kelly wants to be in action around the clock and without a break and collect donations. All money goes to “Together against Corona – together for children”, a campaign by “RTL – We help children”. “Since March 18, we have been collecting for needy children who are particularly hard hit by the corona virus. More than 657,000 euros have already been raised. And thanks to our friend Joey, it will definitely be a little more,” said Wolfram Kons, Charity Director RTL .

Wolfram Kons and Joey Kelly

Wolfram Kons and Joey Kelly at the 24th RTL donation marathon, which took place in November 2019.

© Copyright by Thomas Stachelhaus, Thomas Stachelhaus

Joey Kelly receives support from many celebrities

Joey Kelly receives prominent support from “Let’s Dance” juror Motsi Mabuse, the sports legends Britta Heidemann, Kristina Vogel, Timo Boll, Fredi Bobic, Magdalena Neuner, Christian Danner, Jürgen Hingsen, Lars Riedel, Julius Brink or soccer manager legend Reiner Calmund. They will all tune in digitally!

RTL.de streams the “24h Kelly Corona Challenge” 24 hours live. In addition, the media group RTL Germany accompanies this special event on the TV program and on its digital channels – including on social media and as a live stream at NOW !. The TVNOW Stream Team – Cornelius Strittmatter and Eric Schroth – is also on site around the clock and moderately guides users through all challenges.

Hashtags about the campaign: #kellycoronachallenge, #rtlwirhelfenkinder

The REKORD INSTITUTE for GERMANY accompanies the “24h Kelly Corona Challenge” and checks whether Joey Kelly is setting the world record for “most non-stop consecutive sports”. If Joey Kelly succeeds, he will have won his tenth world record!

“Together against Corona – together for children”: 657,000 euros for needy children in Germany

The donations are used to support the countless children in Germany who are currently unable to go to school or to care facilities such as the RTL children’s homes. Especially in social hotspots, meaningful employment at home is not possible for many. Together with the long-term cooperation partners Caritas and “Die Arche” helps “RTL – We help children” affected children, among other things by distributing exercise books, creative games and learning materials. The issue is made through the nationwide RTL children’s homes, which have a strong network and direct contacts to the needy families.

Even seriously disabled and life-shortened children who are cared for in the mobile care service now need more support. So that the mobile care service can be maintained and the children do not have to be transferred to hospitals, massively increased hygiene requirements must be met. In order to break up the isolation of families with these children, our cooperation partner Nestwärme e.V. also builds up nationwide digital advice and support for those affected.

Help us and donate!

Help by bank transfer

Recipient: RTL Foundation
Keyword: Corona
Account: DE55 370 605 905 605 605 605
Bank: Sparda-Bank West

Help via SMS
10 euro SMS:
Send the word corona to the 44 8 44
(10 euros / SMS + transportation costs if applicable)

Or on-line at www.rtlwirhelfenkinder.de

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