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Joey completely finished with Gaby: ‘No need to speak to her anymore’

Despite still being single, Joey looks back on the adventure with great pleasure. According to the 26-year-old, multiple factors have ensured that their love has not survived. The first cracks arose upon returning to the Netherlands. Because Gaby lives in Amsterdam and Joey in Limburg, they spoke mainly via WhatsApp or FaceTime. “It felt a bit different, the feelings had already subsided,” he says Of Bachelorettewinner back at RTL Boulevard.

Since they were also not allowed to be seen together in public, dating was difficult. While the contact between the lovebirds slowly faded, they decided to give their love one more chance after the last episode. That Gaby suddenly declared her love to Jordy during the reunion episode came as a surprise to him. The fact that she accused him of having contact with other girls was the straw for him. “I was really very surprised, because in my opinion that makes no sense,” he says. “If she had had any problems with that, she could have just spoken to me as a 34-year-old adult woman … I was thrown in front of the bus.”

According to Joey, it felt more like she was looking for a reason to put him aside: “I thought it was disrespectful to tell it that way.”

After the recordings he wanted to get a story from his ex, but because of the corona measures they were kept apart. Because he still wanted to lose his egg, he sent her another message, but he has not received an answer to this day. He is therefore completely done with Gaby.

“I don’t have to speak to her anymore. It’s completely over and over for me,” Joey says. “If you look back at the whole story, you will doubt the sincerity. And then I am like: has it all been a game? (…) In the end it goes over my back, but I am strong enough in my shoes. “

The first season of De Bachelorette you see now at Videoland. You can see below how Niek thinks about the situation:

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