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Joel, the new hypothesis | “Dead in the accident”

LAST HOUR. The new hypothesis of the Prosecutor of Patti.

CARONIA (by Mimmo Trova-ANSA) -There is a new investigative hypothesis on the death of Viviana Parisi, the 43-year-old DJ found lifeless in the woods of Caronia last Saturday, and on the disappearance of his 4-year-old son, Gioele. A new reconstruction is added to the crime trail, now excluded from the autopsy, and to that of the murder-suicide according to which Viviana, depressed for months, could have killed the child and then killed herself by throwing herself off a high voltage pylon. .

Woman driving her car had an accident while on the Messina-Palermo highway. In the impact with a van, the son could have died. Shocked and remorseful, Viviana may have picked up the little body of the child, climbed over the guard rail, walked a dirt path and reached the pylon. There she may have hidden Joel – the area is full of vegetation and searches are difficult – and then jumped off the pylon. Investigations are underway on the woman’s car.

Meanwhile today the father of the little one, Daniele Mondello, in a video, he launched, through tears, a moving appeal: “Anyone who has seen something after the accident, in the countryside, come forward, call the police. I love my son and I want to find him… “. The little one is everyone’s priority: family, friends and even the prosecutor’s office. To look for him, in Caronia, in the coming days, announces the lawyer of the Mondello family, the lawyer Pietro Venuti, after a meeting with the prosecutor of Patti, Angelo Cavallo, there will also be “the carabinieri department of the Cacciatori di Sicilia” and ” further canine units “. The area of ​​research has narrowed as the prosecutor Cavallo confirmed: “from the video of Sant’Agata di Militello we understand that Joel was alive: you can see his face and the image is clear: he is alive”. “It is a hypothesis – he adds – because then there is a gap of 10 minutes”. That could fill in the witnesses who intervened first, but who have not yet made themselves heard.

The Public Prosecutor believes “reasonably” that the little boy was with his mother when he had a car accident on the A20 and stopped a little further on after having a puncture and then disappearing into the woods. In that area where Viviana’s body was found in recent days and where the Pm Cavallo has made yet another inspection, this time with a new consultant. “He is a forensic geologist – explains the magistrate – specialized in the search for bodies underground, let’s also try this paper”. Meanwhile, the Mondello family is wondering about what happened and today Claudio Mondello, one of the two lawyers and Daniele’s cousin, asks questions about Fb: “Why did you climb that pylon?”. The only certainty is Viviana’s “deep emotional disturbance” who told her family she wanted to go to the ‘Pyramid of Light “, an artistic installation, but also a spiritual and mystical one, and her religious turn that led her to read often the Bible. And that she had been very shaken by the Covid-19 emergency, so much so that she feared for the life of everyone and in particular of her little Gioele.

For the cousin the final landing has two outlets: homicide-suicide or an accident. But his sister-in-law Mariella Mondello, Daniele’s sister, does not believe the first thesis, who even today repeats and reiterates: “Viviana loved Gioele very much, she would never have hurt him, never …”. And he asks instead to “strengthen research”. Which continue constant, reaching the 11th day. With the help of a psychic, Rosa Maria Laboragine, contacted by Mariella Mondello, who says she is “convinced that Giole will be found soon”. “He – adds the woman – is there, next to his mother and probably lying on some leaves”. “For several days – adds Laboragine – I feel bad about the situation of this child. If it is not found in a few days I will come to help them. I’m sure her little body will be found and brought to the family ”.

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