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Joe Biden: Vladimir Putin must pay for interference in the US election

The statement came in an interview broadcast on the TV channel ABC News on Wednesday. The day before, a US intelligence report was published accusing Putin of trying to influence the US presidential election in November. The goal should have been to contribute to the re-election of Donald Trump.

Biden says the two presidents spoke together in January after Biden was installed.

– We had a long conversation, he and I. The conversation began with me saying “I know you and you know me. If I find out that this has happened, you should be prepared “, says Biden in the interview.

– An attack on Russia

Russia+Putin" data-image-description="%3Cem%3ERussia+Putin%3C%2Fem%3E+Russian+President+Vladimir+Putin+listens+during+a+meeting+with+participants+of+the+We+Are+Together+nationwide+volunteer+campaign+in+the+Kremlin+in+Moscow%2C+Russia%2C+Thursday%2C+March+4%2C+2021.+%28Alexei+Druzhinin%2C+Sputnik%2C+Kremlin+Pool+Photo+via+AP%29" data-url-template="https://abcnyheter.drpublish.aptoma.no/out/images/article//2021/03/17/195746842/1/{size}/42040397.jpg">

Russlands president Vladimir Putin. Photo: NTB


He also answers in the affirmative to the question of whether he believes Putin – who is repeatedly accused of using brutal methods against the opposition – is a murderer.

It has not been well received in Russia.

– Biden insults our citizens and our country with his statement, writes the leader of the lower house of Russia’s National Assembly, Vyacheslav Volodin, on Telegram.

“An attack on Putin is an attack on Russia,” he added.

Do not sabotage

According to the report from the top US intelligence chief on Tuesday, Putin gave the go-ahead for a Russian operation to damage Joe Biden’s candidacy.

US intelligence has also investigated allegations that foreign actors sabotaged the election process and manipulated the election result, but has concluded that this was not the case.

Russian hackers did not make any sustained attempt to penetrate the machines used during the election process, as they have done during previous elections, the report concludes.

Says Iran tried

According to the report, Iran sought to infiltrate what is being called critical infrastructure, allegedly to influence the outcome in Biden’s favor. Nor did they succeed in changing the data or influencing the turnout, the count or the result, is the conclusion.

Both Russia and Iran have previously denied allegations of attempts to influence the election.

The intelligence did not reveal Chinese attempts to influence the outcome of the election – neither in Trump’s nor Biden’s favor.

At the same time, the report states that several foreign actors gathered information that could have been used to influence the outcome of the election, but without this happening.

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