<div id="gallery-image-4085719" data-image="https://cdn0-production-images-kly.akamaized.net/hrm42kRzdB_butokzTzRt8ZeIwE=/0x0:2799×2799/375×375/filters:quality(75):strip_icc():format(jpeg)/kly-media-production/medias/4085719/original/003096800_1657600752-main_image_deep_field_smacs0723-5mb.jpg" data-title="Foto perdana dari Teleskop Ruang Angkasa James Webb milik NASA menampilkan gugusan galaksi dengan gambar paling jelas dalam sejarah. (Dok. NASA, ESA, CSA, and STScI)" data-description="
This first photo from NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope features the clearest image of a galaxy cluster in history. (Doc. NASA, ESA, CSA, and STScI)
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This first photo from NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope features the clearest image of a galaxy cluster in history. (Doc. NASA, ESA, CSA, and STScI)
“This is a new window into the history of our universe,” Biden said before the image was shown.
“And today we’re going to see the first light that shines through that window: light from other worlds, orbiting stars very far from our place. It amazes me.”
On Friday, the NASA space agency posted a list of five astronomical subjects photographed by Webb, one of which was SMACS 0723.
The cluster of thousands of galaxies is visible in a tiny patch of sky that is about the size of a grain of sand for a person on earth, Nelson said.
The first image was long awaited. NASA’s past six months have been busy adjusting Webb’s components, adjusting mirrors and calibrating instruments.