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Joe Biden says Queen of England “reminds him of his mother”

US President Joe Biden and Queen of England first met – Arthur EDWARDS / POOL / AFP

There are compliments that you never really know if you should take them or not. Even in international geopolitics. Thus, after a courtesy visit this Sunday between the Queen of England and the Biden couple over tea at Windsor Castle, the American president described the sovereign as “very gracious”, adding in his defense: “I do not don’t think she would feel insulted, she reminded me of my mother ”.

Joe Biden was visiting the Queen, in the name of good American-British relations, between the G7 summit and a NATO summit where he will visit this Monday.

Twelfth US President met

Obviously, the two political personalities did not speak only of the qualities of the queen, but also of the other international powers: “We had a great conversation on Mr. Putin and Xi Jinping”, thus made flee the American president.

The social event still has its small symbolism, because it is the most important participation of the queen since the death in April of her husband Prince Philip. He was the twelfth American president met by the Queen during her reign.

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