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Joe Biden – Opens to drop out of re-election

NEW YORK (Dagbladet): The President of the United States is in Great Britain to attend Queen Elizabeth’s funeral. At the same time, the well-known CBS program is broadcast “60 minutes” a great interview with Biden, which makes the news. Among other things, he reports that he is not 100 percent sure of running for re-election in 2024.

Biden, who will turn 80 in November, has long flatly stated that he will run for a new presidential term in 2024. But in the new interview, he seems to be opening up to the fact that he may decide not to.

In the interview, he is again asked if he wants to stand up.

UNITED STATES OF AMERICA: Joe Biden did not welcome an unhappy audience during a speech in Wisconsin on Monday, September 5. Video: AP / Milwaukee Journal Sentinel / Mike Di Sensi
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– If I say I’m running again, it will set a lot of things in motion. Considering the electoral laws, it is too early to make this decision. I have great respect for fate. So I’m just doing my job. And within the timeframe that will make sense after the next election, I’ll make an assessment of what to do, Biden tells CBS News.

– It remains to be seen

– You say it’s too early to make that decision. I guess you haven’t made that decision in your head yet?

– My intention is that I want to get up. But it is only an intention. Is it an unshakable decision that I will race again? It remains to be seen, says Biden.

In the interview, Biden also says he hopes the Democrats will be able to maintain a majority in the House of Representatives and the Senate in November’s mid-term elections.

– This is a very difficult time. We are at a turning point in the country’s history, says Biden and explains how he believes the pandemic has changed the American psyche.

Biden is the oldest president ever and his age has become an important topic. In the interview with “60 Minutes”, he is asked if he is fit enough for the job.

– Just follow me. I respect the fact that people say: you are old. But I think it’s about how much energy you have and whether the work you do is consistent with what any person, regardless of age, would be able to do, Biden says.

On the Republican side, former President Donald Trump has flirted very openly with the idea that he will run for president again in 2024.

DELETE: In a Friday night speech, US President Joe Biden railed against the Supreme Court’s decision to remove the federal right to abortion. In the speech, he points to one particular incident that shook him. Video: Ivan Larsson / Dagbladet TV
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Warn China

In the big interview, Biden also talks about the relationship with China, among other things. He says the US has warned the country that investors will withdraw from the country on a large scale if they support Russia in the war against Ukraine.

Biden says he told Xi it would be a “giant mistake” to break sanctions imposed on Russia after the invasion of the neighboring country. Furthermore, Biden says there is no indication that China actively supported Russia’s war by selling arms.

The warning came in a telephone conversation shortly after Xi and Russian President Vladimir Putin met during the Beijing Winter Olympics in early February. After the meeting, Xi expressed support for his Russian counterpart.

– I called Xi, not to threaten him, but to tell him that … if you think Americans and others will continue to invest in China, if you violate the sanctions imposed on Russia, then I think you are making a giant mistake, says Biden.

He also denies that a Sino-Russian alliance in practice means that the United States is fighting a new cold war.

– I don’t think there is a new, more complicated, cold war, he says in the interview.

He will defend Taiwan

President Joe Biden also answers yes to questions about whether the United States will send troops to Taiwan if the autonomous island is invaded by China, which considers it its territory.

Asked what Chinese President Xi Jinping should know about Biden’s commitments to Taiwan, Biden says the US supports the “one China” policy, but that Taiwan makes its own independence decisions.

ENCOUNTERED: NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg met with US President Joe Biden for talks on the war in Ukraine. Video: Vegard Kvaale / Dagbladet. Photo: Born
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– We did nothing. We don’t encourage them to become independent. We don’t, it’s their choice, says Biden.

– But the American forces would defend the island, asks the presenter.

Yes, they really would, if it were an unprovoked attack, Biden replies.

– So, unlike Ukraine, and to be absolutely clear: would American forces, American men and women defend Taiwan from a possible Chinese invasion?

– Yes, replies Biden.

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