Home » today » World » Joe Biden introduces vaccine injunctions. It could include 100 million Americans.

Joe Biden introduces vaccine injunctions. It could include 100 million Americans.

US President Joe Biden took off his bandage before reaching out to the unvaccinated minority when he spoke from the White House on Thursday.

Everything is in place for a political and legal dogfight over Joe Biden’s new vaccine injunction. The claim could cover 100 million Americans.

Every day, 1,500 Americans now die from the virus. The number has increased sharply recently. President Joe Biden is fed up with the skepticism about vaccines and introduces new injunctions. These can include as many as 100 million Americans.

The answer from the other party is clear and quite unanimous: See you in court.

The new demands are the most comprehensive measures Biden has used against the pandemic since he took over as president in January.

Biden gave a speech from the White House late Thursday night Norwegian time. There he harshly rebuked the approximately 80 million Americans who have not yet been vaccinated. The United States has had very good access to vaccines for months. Encouragement to take the syringe has not been lacking either.

– We have been patient, but our patience is thin. Their refusal has cost us all dearly, Biden said, adding that the unvaccinated minority “can do great harm.”

– See you in court

Among those who react strongly are Republican governors.

– South Dakota will stand up for freedom. Joe Biden, see you in court, is the answer from Governor Christ Noem.
Georgia Gov. Brian P. Kemp is also upset.

“I want to pursue all the legal options the state of Georgia has to stop this blatant abuse of power,” pronounces Kemp.

– Texas is already working to stop this attempt to seize power, sier Governor Greg Abbott.

Ronna McDaniel heads the Republican Party Office. She says she is for vaccines, but against orders. She too promises lawsuits.

– Joe Biden told Americans when he was elected, that he would not impose injunctions on vaccines. He lied. Now small businesses, workers and families across the country must pay the price, McDaniel said in a statement.

Applies to everyone in the state

These are the new moves:

  • Employees in all companies with more than 100 employees. If the company does not provide the vaccine, employees must be tested weekly. This could concern 80 million.
  • Health workers who work in places that receive public support. That’s about 17 million. Among other things, this applies to all nursing homes.
  • In addition, everyone who works for the US government will be vaccinated. This also applies to hired labor.
  • Governors are asked to make demands on school staff. Here, the response will probably vary greatly according to party divisions.
  • Biden asks organizers of large gatherings to demand vaccination or negative testing of guests. He thinks of performances, concerts and sports.
White House Press Spokeswoman Jen Psaki. The Biden administration is stepping up vaccination requirements among Americans.

Increased infection

Just two months ago, Biden announced that the United States had shaken off the coronavirus. The country is now experiencing an increase in infection of around 300 per cent, two and a half times more hospital admissions and almost twice as many coronary-related deaths as at the same time last year.

To date, approximately 656,000 Americans have died from covid. There are almost as many who have been killed in battle for the country in all wars since 1775.

The growth in infection and death is happening despite the fact that more than 208 million Americans have been vaccinated with at least one dose. The United States was out early to vaccinate many, but the pace eventually stopped. 53 percent of the population is fully vaccinated.

– We are in a tough period, and it can last for a while, says Biden about the current corona status in the country.

Sharpen fines

After many months of campaigns to increase support for vaccines, Biden is tightening its grip and blaming the unvaccinated for the sharp increase in infection.

– This is not about freedom or personal choice, it is about protecting yourself and those around you, people you work with and people you care about – the people you love, said Biden.

The bid will also double the fine for airline passengers who refuse to wear a face mask. Persons who do not meet the requirement to use a bandage on federal property shall also be allowed to burn financially.

Will give «booster doses»

Biden’s press secretary, Jen Psaki, says the plan’s overarching goal will be to attack the coronavirus from different angles, as infections and deaths return to crisis levels. The Delta variant has led to more infections and more hospitalizations in the United States.

– This means reducing hospital admissions. That means putting more test requirements in place and putting in place more protections in the form of “boosters” (third vaccine doses) to ensure that people have even stronger protection, Psaki told CNN.

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