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Joe Biden calls Vladimir Putin – Navalny becomes an issue after a change of power

  • ofMarvin Ziegele

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Shortly after the change of power in Washington, Putin and Biden talk to each other on the phone. It’s about nuclear weapons and Alexei Navalny.

  • US President Joe Biden and Russia’s President Wladimir Putin telephoned each other for the first time.
  • The conversation was mainly about the nuclear disarmament treaty “New Start”.
  • But also critical issues, such as the poisoning of Alexey Navalny, were part of the Telephone conversation between Biden and Putin.

Moscow / Washington – The new US President’s first phone call Joe Biden and Russia’s President Wladimir Putin dealt with conflicting topics. Putin said according to the Kremlin in the conversation that normalizing relations between Russia and the USA would serve the interests of both countries – taking into account their special responsibility for security and stability in the world.

Joe Biden and Vladimir Putin: First phone call after change of power

During the phone call between Joe Biden and Wladimir Putin it was mainly about the extension of the nuclear disarmament treaty New Start. Corresponding diplomatic notes were exchanged on Tuesday, said the Kremlin on Monday evening with. Both sides had previously declared their readiness to extend the last major nuclear disarmament agreement between the two states – shortly before it expired in early February – by five years. From the White House it was said Joe Biden and Wladimir Putin had agreed during the phone call that their teams should work urgently to complete the extension of the agreement by February 5.

Joe Biden and Vladimir Putin shook hands back in 2011.

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The New Start Treaty on the Limitation of Nuclear Weapons would have expired in a few days. The agreement, which came into force on February 5, 2011, limits the nuclear arsenals Of Russia and the USA to 800 carrier systems and 1550 ready-to-use nuclear warheads. It was closed for a period of ten years and had the option of being extended. Had it not been extended, there would have been no agreement for the first time in decades that set limits on the number of strategic nuclear weapons. Russia and the USA together own around 90 percent of the world’s nuclear weapons.

Joe Biden: Donald Trump in tough negotiations with Moscow

The government of Joe Bidens Predecessor Donald Trump had with Moscow unable to agree on an extension in tough negotiations. Immediately after Bidens The Russian Foreign Ministry had proposed an extension of the contract for five years without preconditions. Shortly afterwards it became known that too Joe Biden be ready for such an extension.

Joe Biden had declared before taking office that the treaty was an “anchor of strategic stability” between the USA and Russia and could be the basis for new arms control agreements. The Pentagon stressed last week that an extension would serve the defense of the USA. One cannot afford to lose the instruments for inspections and reporting obligations.

Joe Biden and Vladimir Putin: “Business-like and open conversation”

Both sides had also spoken about the exit of the USA from the agreement on military observation flights (open skies) and on the Iranian nuclear agreement that Russia wants to keep. The subject of the “business-like and open discussion” is also the Ukraine conflict it was said.

Critical tones came from the White House. The US government headquarters announced that Joe Biden made it clear that the US supported Ukraine’s sovereignty. The US president also addressed various other topics: the poison attack on the Kremlin critic Alexej Navalny, the influence on the US elections, media reports about alleged Russian bounties on US soldiers in Afghanistan and the large-scale hacker attack on American authorities and companies that followed Assessment by US security services on the account Moscow went. All of these issues have recently sparked intense tension between Washington and Moscow. (marv / dpa)

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