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Joe Biden Announces US Has Destroyed All Chemical Weapons Supply – A Milestone in Global Security

Washington DC

President of the United States (US) Joe Biden claims his country has destroyed its entire supply of chemical weapons. Biden also claimed to feel freer from the horrors after the weapons of mass destruction were destroyed.

Reported AFP, Saturday (8/7/2023), this was a milestone that was hailed as the complete destruction of all known supplies of weapons of mass murder worldwide. The announcement was made by Biden in his latest statement on Friday (7/7) local time.

“Today, I am proud to announce that the United States has safely destroyed the last munitions in that supply — bringing us one step closer to a world free of the horrors of chemical weapons,” Biden said in his announcement.

The US was the most recent signatory to the Chemical Weapons Convention, which entered into force in 1997, to complete the task of destroying ‘reported’ supplies by countries possessing chemical weapons. However, it is believed that several countries are still storing reserve chemical weapons in secret.

Biden also called the US move the first time that ‘an entire category of reported weapons of mass destruction’ has been verified as being destroyed.

The announcement was made Biden after Blue Grass Army Depot, a US Army facility in Kentucky, recently completed its four-year job of eliminating approximately 500 tons of a lethal chemical agent, the last in the possession of the US military.

After the US officially destroyed all of its chemical weapons stockpile, Biden called for further vigilance to ensure all chemical weapons in the world were destroyed. Biden also called on the four countries that have not signed or ratified the agreement — Egypt, Israel, North Korea and South Sudan — to do so.

But currently, there are four countries that are signatories to the Chemical Weapons Convention which are considered non-compliant because they have reserves of chemical weapons that are claimed not to be reported. The four countries are Russia, Myanmar, Iran and Syria.

Russia and Syria must return to compliance with the Chemical Weapons Convention and recognize their program of underreporting, which has been used to commit atrocities and indiscriminate attacks,” Biden said.

Read more on the next page.


2023-07-08 13:37:15
#Destroying #Chemical #Weapons #Biden #Feel #Free #Horror

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