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Jodie Foster Praises Bella Ramsey as an Example of Authenticity and Freedom in Hollywood

British actress Bella Ramsey (pictured from left) and US actress Jodie Foster in Los Angeles, California on December 5, 2023. Foster praised fellow Gen Z star Ramsey, calling the 20-year-old actress an example of what an actor should be.


The actress won two “Oscars”. Jodie Foster has said that working with Generation Z can be “very annoying”, the British media reported “BBC“.

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In an interview with “Guardian” Fostere said that she sometimes found it difficult to understand the attitude of people of this generation towards work.

“They say, ‘No, I don’t feel like myself today,’ I’ll come at 10:30.”
“For example, if I email them that what they’ve written is grammatically incorrect and ask if they’ve spell-checked before that? But they’ll say, ‘Why would I do that, isn’t it restrictive?'”


But Foster did praise one Gen Z star, Bella Ramsey, calling the 20-year-old actress an example of what an actor who has emerged into a new “authenticity vector” should be.

Foster, who was a well-known child model before her illustrious film career began, said she felt very motivated to help young actors find their way because she herself once had difficulties “growing up”.

Speaking about Gen Z, a term commonly used to describe those born in the late 1990s and early 2000s, Foster, 61, joked: “They’re really annoying – especially in the workplace.”

As for the advice she would give to young people entering the film industry, Foster said: “They need to learn to relax, how to not think about it all so much, how to come up with something that is their own.” She added: “I can help them find what’s more fun than just being the main character in a story with all the pressure that comes with it.”

Foster singled out British actress Ramsay, recalling how she first met The Last of Us and Game of Thrones star at Elle’s Women magazine’s Hollywood bash.

Foster described it as a “wonderful event”, but at the same time noted that all the participants of the event were “in high heels and with painted eyelashes”.

“What I mean by that is that there are other ways to be a woman, and it’s really important that people see that. And Bella, who in my opinion gave the best speech, was dressed in the most perfect outfit for the event – a beautifully tailored suit, without any make-up,” said the famous actress.

Foster added that when she was young, she could not dress like Ramsey and not use makeup at show business events. “That’s because we weren’t free. Because we had no freedom. And hopefully that’s what the authenticity vector offers – the possibility of real freedom,” she said in an interview.


Foster, who received another Oscar nomination for her role in Nyad, also spoke about her two sons and their attitude towards women.

She explained that although they are both now ‘super feminists’, at a certain age her eldest son believed that to be a real man he had to treat women badly. The actress emphasized: “And at that moment I was like, – no! This is not what defines a real man! That’s what our culture has been trying to tell you all along.”


2024-01-10 05:21:31

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