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Jobs of the future | # 9 – The future of command – Admiral Loïc Finaz


Former director of the Ecole de Guerre, Admiral Loïc Finaz is now a business manager and vice-president of the Fondation de la mer which he created a few years ago. He is also a marine writer.

Beyond the profession of sailor, the reflection of this episode is centered around the notions of command, management and leadership. According to the Admiral, the four cardinal points of the leader are the mission, the meaning, the circumstances, the people. He insists on the values ​​of autonomy and solidarity, and on the requirement coupled with benevolence. According to him, “to manage is to organize, to create value, to bring together men and women in the service of a common project, and to undertake.”

Advocating freedom of command, Loïc Finaz affirms that “the leader is there to change the law and the rules if they do not allow you to act.”

We also discuss the mission of the War School, which trains officers of the French armies to assume responsibilities of staff, command and direction within their home army, and in all positions where s ‘develops and implements defense policy.

Books by Loïc Finaz:

Freedom of command: https://www.fnac.com/ia322097/Loic-Finaz

To be published in May 2021: The swell was leaving in the sunrise

Books recommended by the Admiral:

The use of the world, by Nicolas Bouvier: https://www.editionsladecouverte.fr/l_usage_du_monde-9782707179012

The Jéromine children, by Ernst Wiechert: https://livre.fnac.com/a9361802/Ernst-Wiechert-Les-Enfants-Jeromine

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