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jobs and business’ of the CES


Youth empowerment was the focus of the III Social Forum of the Liaison Group of the Economic and Social Council, European Youth Year ‘Youth: Employment and Business’ which was held this Friday at the headquarters of the Youth Council of Castilla y León in Palencia.

The objectives of the Liaison Group III Social Forum at this Conference, in cooperation with the Youth Council, are to publicize data on youth employment and entrepreneurship, share experience in youth employment and entrepreneurship of the main business organizations and trade unions of Castile and León and present concrete experiences of young women entrepreneurs in rural areas.

For the third year, the ESC Civil Society Liaison Group organizes a social forum to communicate and discuss the experience of their organisations. The intention is to publicize the youth work of the Liaison Group and ESC organizations and discuss the challenges of young people in Castilla y León, on the occasion of the celebration of the European Youth Year.

During the conference the situation of young people in Castilla y León was addressed. There were also talks with trade unions, the Next Generation Funds and finally there was a round table on entrepreneurship.

“Young people must be at the center of the action to create a more just, inclusive and equitable society, we are the present” underlined the president of the CyL Youth Council, Sandra mez, during the inauguration of the forum.

For his part, the president of the Economic and Social Council, Enrique Cabero, stressed the importance of youth empowerment to face the challenges that society will face in the future.

“If we want to face the demographic challenge, reverse depopulation, we need young people to emancipate themselves, to have their own life project, to live on our land and for those who have left to return,” he added.

The III Social Forum has already held a first Conference at the headquarters of the CES in Valladolid, focused on the activity of the organizations of the Youth Liaison Group.

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