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Job and education in the Uckermark: Children cut power cables in Angermünde

It takes a lot of strength to bite the pliers through the thick cable until it is finally cut. But the 8- and 9-year-old boys manage it. After all, everyone wants to take a piece of cable home with them as a trophy. But there are no cable thieves or saboteurs at work here. Here children get to know the world of work at e.dis. The Angermünde branch took part in the Agenda-Diplom holiday campaign again this year and invited primary school students.

How does electricity get into the socket?

“Electricity accompanies us through our entire everyday life. Only when it fails do we notice what is attached. But how does it actually get into the socket? We want to clearly show children the long journey of electricity from the power station to their own home and explain the tasks of our company, ”says network customer manager Heike Lewin. Together with service technician Kevin Hinze, she introduces children to the exciting world of power supply in a playful way. The children get to know the labyrinth of network connections, learn why a short circuit occurs and how the e.dis fitters like detectives track down the fault if the power goes down somewhere in the city. They experiment with electrical kits and are also allowed to take a seat in the electric car.

E.dis is looking for young people for training and jobs

“This project is also important for us in order to get young people from the region interested in our apprenticeships and the diverse jobs on site at an early stage. We urgently need young specialists from the region, ”explains Heike Lewin. For the children in the Agenda diploma, the focus is on having fun. But maybe one or the other will come back for an internship later. And for training.

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