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“Joanna Przetakiewicz’s Son Alex and Model Girlfriend Sandra Kaczorowska on Paradise Holiday – Pudelek.pl”

Goss, April 28, 2023 16:00



Aleksander “Alex” Przetakiewicz went on a paradise holiday with his beloved, from which he shared a short report online. He is accompanied, of course, by Sandra Kaczorowska, who presented a shapely figure in a bikini.

Joanna Przetakiewicz

has been appearing in salons for years, easily finding himself in the world of show business. Her son Aleksander chose a slightly different path, but his presence in popular magazines was ensured by his relationships with models. Just a few years ago, Joasia’s son was associated with

Magdalena Frąckowiak

However, in 2018 their relationship went down in history.

See also: Joanna Przetakiewicz’s son in the jacuzzi celebrates the first anniversary of his relationship with the model (PHOTO)

Alex Przetakiewicz with his beloved on paradise holidays. “My ideal”

Some time after the breakup

Alex Przetakiewicz

found comfort in his arms

Sandra Kaczorowska

, also a model, and today on Instagram as “creative director of the La Mania brand”. The couple rarely boasts of joint shots on the network, but made an exception on the first anniversary of the relationship. In September 2022, they appeared together at the TVN Foundation Ball.

Recall: The TVN Foundation Ball 2022. Joanna Przetakiewicz’s son took the model girl to the wall (PHOTOS)

The rest of the article under the video

Pink Party Poodle

video-iframe src="https://wideo.wp.pl/ampNativeplayer.html?autoplay=1&site=wideo.wp.pl&title=Pudelek%20Pink%20Party&wp_sn=o2_m_pudelek_pl&rekid=235746&url4stat=https%253A%252F%252Fwww.pudelek.pl%252Fsyn-joanny-przetakiewicz-zachwyca-sie-ukochana-w-bikini-na-rajskich-wakacjach-moj-ideal-foto-6892283053640288a&video_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwideo.wp.pl%2Flid%2C21323%2Cklip.html&mpe=amp" layout="responsive" width="480" height="270" poster="https://wptv-upload-api.wpcdn.pl/9fca3e9d-7a13-4ed5-9577-de6851b0f5b8.png">



However, man does not live by business alone, which is why Alex and his beloved now went on a paradise holiday. A recording appeared on the profile of Przetakiewicz’s son, where we see Kaczorowska dressed in a bikini and surrounded by fabulous scenery. He also took the opportunity to pay her a compliment.

My ideal

He wrote briefly but concisely.

A short video also went to Sandra’s Instastories, but the couple did not decide to show together in front of the lens, apparently wanting to keep private moments for themselves.

Are they having a good time?

Source: pudelek.pl

Selected for you

2023-04-28 14:00:00
#Son #Przetakiewicz #vacation #beloved #silhouette #impressive #pudelek.pl

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