Home » today » Entertainment » Joanna Koroniewska and Maciej Dowbor HIT the Śpiewak, because the interview with Kaźmierska reminded them: “We earn and give to others, and YOU HAVE ENJOYING THE SOCIETY”

Joanna Koroniewska and Maciej Dowbor HIT the Śpiewak, because the interview with Kaźmierska reminded them: “We earn and give to others, and YOU HAVE ENJOYING THE SOCIETY”

Ever since the media, including Pudelek, began to take a closer look at the characters Journalists, a lot of inconvenient facts came to light for the faceless influencer and his famous and wealthy friends. Although two weeks ago celebrities and public figures competed to appear in his podcasttoday having any relationship with debtor avoiding state authorities is not welcome.

He is also following the Journalist case Jan Śpiewakwho posted it on his Instagram and started to wonder how did it happen that “another influencer has become a criminal liar”. He quickly replied to himself: “Social media, like our capitalist system, promotes to the top of the ladder of sociopaths without emotion,” and finally added menacingly that “influencers are not your friends, but paid corporations”. It would probably end only with the Journalist’s thread, if not for the fact that Singer reminded audiences of his anti-capitalist crusade in which he strikes among other things in the so-called “pathoculture”. The social activist talked about it extensively, especially in connection with the case Arkadiusz “Megakota” Zgorzelski from “The Queens of Life”.

Jan Śpiewak remembered quickly a new thread of pathoculture i he found a record of one of the “Domówki u Dowborów” in which Dagmara Kaźmierska was a guestthe most famous pimp in the history of television. “Another criminal with influencers. This is how you fabricate consent to the rule of rich pathology” – wrote under the photo of Kaźmierska z Joanna Koroniewska i Maciej Dowbor.

It turned out that Joanna Koroniewska and Maciej Dowbor saw Śpiewak’s entries, which they took to heart. Apparently they also thought that the term “rich pathology” refers to themselvesbecause in several posts on Instastories they aggressively responded to Śpiewak.

Ooo, we got hit by @janekspiewak, should we feel honored? – Dowbor asks ironically. (…) I wonder if Mr. @janekspiewak was so down when Dagmara visited other media ?! Or maybe Cuba or Onet Rano are also part of the disgusting pathosystem? (…) You know what makes us different from you ?! We live from work, also on the Internet, so we can hire people, pay them decent money and also spend money on charity. And you live by extracting money from people on Patronite !! Over PLN 13,000 a month! So we earn and give to others, and you play social activist, scout and defender of morality for the money of others? And you teach us how to be decent? What a hypocrisy!

You can see that the reproach of the interview with Kaźmierska made Dowbor so bad that he pulled Śpiewak … sentence for defending people from wild evictionhe heard in 2019. Let us add that Śpiewak defamed then Bogumiła Górnikowska-Ćwiąkalska, the daughter of the former justice minister in the government of the Civic Platform and the Polish People’s Party …

See also: The pardon of Jan Śpiewak. Adam Bielan about the theft of tenement houses. Marcin Kierwiński answers

Well, comparing the sentence for defending people against eviction and defending public property against embezzlement is the same as forcing women to sex and pimping. What a moral and intellectual downfall – Śpiewak bit back and noticed that payments for Patronite are an expression of free will, which victims do not have, even such pimps, who are eagerly promoted by Dowborów.

A wave of criticism poured out on Dowborów, which Śpiewak did not fail to disclose. Everyone pointed out the vocabulary to Dowbor, calling it even gutter; There was also a voice that in the end Dowbor and Koroniewska earned money on the episode with Kaźmierska (“you take the money to promote patoli”) – this is their “job” as influencers. Donating to Patronite is not a “cash draw” and reminding you to do your own charity work is simply weak. “I wonder whose work is more valuable: a celebrity detached from reality or a man who defends the weaker and publicizes pathology?” Singer asked.

Joanna Koroniewska, who asked first, probably wanted to ease the situation “who is Jan Śpiewak”but after a few hours of reflection, she added that “She believes in people”, so she trusts that Dagmara Kaźmierska has also converted …

(…) If you are interested in slandering, I can assure you that I am blocking. I don’t waste time writing back – she stated emphatically.

And to think that the discussion started with the Journalist … It is worth adding that Joanna Koroniewska and Maciej Dowbor talked with him in January 2021, and the “Domówki” entry is still available on YouTube. The journalist, however, did not show his face in the broadcast, and a black board was displayed in his window.

How do you rate the defense of Dowborów against Śpiewak? Have they given themselves a good testimony?

oh truth in the eyes of the circle. I know what Śpiewak is like, you can not support him in everything, but you can see the Dowborów class in this scandal. What do we have from their houses? What did we learn from them? They invite the society of mutual adoration and even in the comments they do not hide the fact that they will block those who are unfavorable to them, there is nothing like “reliable influencer journalism” xD and Śpiewak sorry, he even went to court, because he did not withdraw his words addressed to daughter of a former minister

This only shows them

Problems with insta…. Spiritual void!

Guilty explains himself. And bad too.

The daughter of a famous politician has a girlfriend, write about it

Latest comments (117)

Well, I agree here. Sorry, but TV promotes pathologies. These “stars” are accused every now and then and it is not important TVN or TVP, all for one money

The Dowbors will do anything for the money, and what kind of personalities do you see, they are bland creatures

In the beginning, in a pandemic, I watched it … but their empty laughter brings nothing to my life. A large number of followers on insta = invitation from dowborow. Nothing of value. Unfollow.


How bad it looks when you show up with your husband who cheated on you and you still play in his league and attack people with cheap insults.

end with these queens of life … of them such queens as from the goat … trumpet … such poor biographies are supposed to be models … for whom I ask for whom … let me verify the values ​​in this tvn ….. Kazimierska first into oblivion .. waves these paws, bends and looks like a star ..which …. in the morning without a pickup better not to see ……..

I would like to remind you that Dowbory stood behind Satanowa after the scandal with border guards as a few. Since they started playing “house parties” they completely lost their sense of reality. The shoe is treading before the fall.

Have you tried the Kizzers bar from Kizo? Is he good?

“I wonder if he is going down like that” … I have never digested Dowbor, a double-faced and in love character, but this is gruuuuuubo beyond measure to use such words on the net. May this be the end of their media career, because it’s neither pretty, nor funny, nor valuable. And Jan the singer did a lot of good for ordinary people, with his help Jakub Żulczyk wrote one of the books on the privatization of apartments. Something good also resulted from his actions, apart from that, respect for the courage to fight the sick and corrupt system in Poland. Selections SHAME ON THE MAX

it would be good for Jo to do something about her wrinkles, which she fiercely defends.

I agree with Śpiewak there. Dowbory is a pathocelebrity as you can see

Koroniewska amused me with a recipe for a successful relationship. Everyone knows her recipe for “forgiving her husband’s cheating.”

Shock as it looks …

9 min. ago

Goska neglected herself a lot. And those aggressive faces. Gosia did something with herself

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