Joanna Jabłczyńska told in an honest interview that she had been betrayed in her life. What inspired such a strong confession from the star? How did her fans react to it? Joasia also talked about being too nice and setting boundaries in various relationships.
Joanna Jabłczyńska is an actress who took her first steps in show business as a child. She is also a singer and dubbing actress. She graduated from law studies and is a legal advisor.
A candid interview by Joanna Jabłczyńska
Our reporter, Karolina Motylewska, asked the star about a very honest and even intimate confession that she shared during a recent interview. Does Joanna Jabłczyńska regret such honesty?
Nevertheless, I tried to say it while respecting the privacy or even intimacy of other people. Fortunately, I achieved my goal because I received thousands of thanks. And many people asked me about therapy, many people thanked me that thanks to me they decided to go to a psychologist, that thanks to me they had thoughts about setting boundaries. Many people identified with the issues I raised in this interview, even though it was very difficult for me. It actually touched sensitive places in my soul and in my history, but in hindsight I am very glad that I did it because I know that I helped many people.
Setting boundaries by Joanna Jabłczyńska
A very important issue raised by Joanna was setting boundaries. Was this a skill she picked up at home or did she have to learn this skill?
Generally, I was brought up in such a way that my parents said that I should be very nice to everyone. And of course – I was very lucky in life. Most of the people I met along the way were really good and I was extremely lucky to have met them. But my parents thought that I grabbed God by the legs. I should take it all in stride. Even if they insult me, even if they shout at me, I shouldn’t say a word. Just take it and don’t accidentally respond with anything unpleasant. And it also stuck with me that maybe setting boundaries can be unpleasant, because you have to be nice to everyone, because that’s how I was raised.
Has she lost anyone, perhaps friends, because of her boundaries? Do you feel pain over such a loss?
It turned out that in most cases, if you have an intelligent, mature person on the other side, setting boundaries like this only clears the atmosphere and allows for easier communication. And those who removed themselves from my life because of setting boundaries, well… it only means that they actually crossed those boundaries and setting them really bothered them.
How do you deal with setting boundaries?
Joanna Jabłczyńska photo: East News
photo: Michal Wozniak/East News 14/09/2023 Warsaw, Joanna Jablczynska in front of the DDTVN studio.
Joanna Jabłczyńska without makeup and clothes
More photos in the Paulina Pucuła gallery
She has always been in love with show business. I love watching the lives of stars online and friends on Instagram. I can’t imagine a day without strong coffee and a lot of good gossip. To this day, I can easily name all the couples from “Dancing with the Stars”.
2023-11-05 13:18:00
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