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Joan Baldoví proposes public housing construction plan and commitment to innovation during business forum in Alicante

He sees “out of doubt” the role of businessmen in creating wealth and employment: “We are not in favor of insults or bad faces with them”


The Compromís deputy in Congress and candidate of the Valencian coalition for the Presidency of the Generalitat, Joan Baldoví, has proposed the creation of a public housing construction plan, along the lines of the Edificant Education Plan, while showing its commitment to technological institutes and innovation as a “mainstay”.

This is how Baldoví expressed himself this Thursday in Alicante, during his intervention in the cycle of Circular Conferences of the Chamber Business Club, the business meeting forum promoted by the Chamber of Alicante.

Baldoví has ​​valued the “leading initiative” of the Botanical Building Plan, which, according to what he has stated, has allowed the construction of schools and institutes in the Valencian Community, with more than 400 actions and which has generated between 13,000 and 15,000 jobs. For this reason, he has advocated applying this plan to the construction of public housing.

“Young Valencians are the last to leave home. We are committed to the construction of public housing until it reaches European standards. We are at two percent and we want to reach 20%,” he emphasized.

Likewise, he has extolled innovation as a “mainstay” and has highlighted the role of technological institutes. In this sense, he has considered the creation of a consortium of Alacant Innovadora a “good proposal”, which serves to “work all together”.

“It cannot be the beach bar of the Diputación for one place, the City Council for another and the Generalitat for another. It is absolutely necessary to start working creating positive synergies between all administrations, also universities, administrations and the ecosystem of companies linked to the digital world”, he claimed.

In addition, he has promised that the next legislature will be that of Vocational Training, which he considers should be “increasingly linked to the business world”. “They are two worlds that have to meet more and more and work more closely,” she pointed out.


Regarding the role of the Chamber, Baldoví has ​​highlighted the “innovative vision” and the intention of these to “work at the service of all”, for which he has opted for there to be an understanding between them and the regional government. “The role of businessmen in creating wealth and jobs is beyond any doubt. We are not in favor of insults or bad faces with businessmen. I have been insulted for not insulting businessmen,” he has censured.

In this sense, he has highlighted the importance of “social dialogue” between the political class and the business community to “advance together and collaborate publicly and privately” in different sectors. “We are looking for a model where there is dialogue and agreements. Everyone does not win everything they want, but they are reasonable agreements where we can all feel comfortable,” he said.

In this regard, he pointed out that he understands politics as “the ability to reach agreements, with anyone, although it is very complicated with someone”, he added. “If it goes in favor of the interests of my land, of five million Valencians, it will have an ally in me. I will always be a 100% ally and interlocutor in defense of the interests of Valencians, without outside interests”, he stressed.


Baldoví has ​​valued the Botànic’s actions since 2015 and has highlighted the increase in exports, the creation of companies and employment. “This is probably not the hell that some predict. Between heaven and hell, I think we are getting closer to the top than to the bottom,” he said.

“In order to help, you probably don’t have to have hell, you have to have a fair redistribution of benefits”, he stressed, while exemplifying that the Ministry of Economy, led by Rafael Climent, has “multiplied by four the aid to Alicante companies compared to 2015”.

On the other hand, Baldoví has ​​insisted that the new regional financing model is “absolutely fundamental for the welfare state and equal opportunities with other territories” and has regretted that in his twelve years as a deputy in Congress he has not achieved ” have allies in the defense of a new fair financing model for the Valencian Community”.

“I can feel disappointed, but it is not important. The one who has to feel disappointed is Valencian society as a whole with the two big parties, which could have brought about an agreement on financing. You cannot say ‘you have a problem’ , but not address it urgently. We have offered solutions, such as a temporary release fund with the autonomies that are above us, but they did not want to pay attention to us, “he lamented.

In addition, he has vindicated the “dignified connections and the modernization of lines” of the Alicante-Elche airport, as well as “taking steps forward” in decentralization, so that Alicante “feels part” of the Valencian Community.

“In me, in Compromís, you will find an ally to defend the interests of everything that matters to this land, investments here and the creation of wealth and employment. From proximity, because we make decisions here and thinking about the interests of this land”, has settled.

2023-05-04 09:21:36
#Baldoví #proposes #public #housing #construction #plan #lines #Edificant

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