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Joachim Löw in private like never before: That’s why he has no children

Joachim Löw
Private like never before: That’s why he has no children

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Joachim Löw’s time as coach of the national team is coming to an end. In an interview with “Zeit”, the 61-year-old is now more open and private than ever. The topic of children and childlessness is also discussed.

Joachim Löw, 61, has been the coach of the German national soccer team for 15 years, has celebrated successes, discovered players and made them big, and always put his heart and soul into the matter. So much so that private life sometimes fell by the wayside. In the “Zeit”, Jogi explains, among other things, why he and his wife Daniela (the couple’s separation became known in 2016) never had children.

Joachim Löw on offspring: “It would have been nice”

In addition to many professional and sporting questions, the “Zeit” journalists Joachim Löw were also allowed to ask very private questions. Unusual, after all, the current national coach is careful to keep his private life out of the public as much as possible. When it comes to children or childlessness, the athlete becomes thoughtful. “Do you regret that you have no children, perhaps also because of your football career?” Asked the journalists and Löw answered honestly:

Yes, of course. Of course there are moments when I miss my own children very much.

But the thoughts had only come in the last ten years, according to the native of Baden-Württemberg: “At 25, 30 or 35 years old, I didn’t see it that way. I might not have been able to imagine it. I pushed the topic aside or pushed it away But for the last ten years I’ve been thinking about it or what it would have been like to have children. ”

Always full house with the Löws

Joachim Löw has been married to his wife Daniela since 1986. Even though they don’t have children of their own, the house is always full of small family members, enthuses the footballer. “After all, I have a few sponsored children, and they are often with us. One or the other sponsored child even grew up a bit with us.”

His parents inherited the joy of having a large family, he explains: “I grew up in a large family, have four brothers. My mother has eight siblings. I have dozens of cousins. And all of them have many children. It was with us House always full. ”

Source used: time


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