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Jiří Krampol recalled Kodet’s humor: He got everyone with a cracking story

Actor and entertainer Jiří Krampol fondly remembers his studies at DAMU, mainly thanks to his classmates, with whom he had a lot of fun. Actor Jiří Kodet was undoubtedly one of the most outstanding from the year, who, according to Krampol, was the only one who could perfectly make even Rudolf Hrušínský laugh.

When Jiří Krampol entered Prague’s DAMU in his youth, he probably had no idea what experiences and stories he would take away from his studies. In the year he was with several other actors who became the most prominent personalities of Czech cinema during their lives, and Krampol formed a strong friendship with them. During the interview in The fabulous 7 falls of Honza Dędek but he mainly remembered Jiří Kodet, who had a great sense of humor and was able to reliably entertain not only his classmates but also the teachers at school.

He didn’t know Russian

Jiří Krampol recalled at Honza Dědek, for example, the moment when Jiří Kodet thought he had matured to be a Russian teacher. The whole class was waiting for the final exam, during which the students had to write a style paper on any topic. The only condition was that the work should be in Russian, of course. But since Kodet didn’t know Russian at all, he got an unknown notebook written in Cyrillic and copied an excerpt from it onto his paper. He then happily submitted the work and waited for its evaluation.

“Then the teacher came back laughing. She obviously read Kodet’s work first. And she said: ‘Mr. Kodet, I read your work with great interest. And your work is absolutely flawless,'” Krampol recounted, imitating the teacher’s Russian accent. “You just made a tiny mistake. It’s in Bulgarian,” Krampol added, what the teacher said about Kadet’s work, and all the guests present at the filming could burst out laughing.

He also made Hrušínský laugh

According to Jiří Krampol, Jiří Kodet was also the only person who managed to make Rudolf Hrušínský laugh. “It’s not that Mr. Hrušínský doesn’t have a sense of humor. He was a wonderful person, a brilliant actor and a funny man. But he laughed more like inside, but Kodet managed to make him laugh so much that he almost fell into the water,” Krampol recalled the incident during which Kodet went fishing with Hrušínský.

Boatmen passed by them in boats and called out to the actors: “The first organization of the Socialist Labor Union in Szazák salutes the leading Czech artist.” So what comrades? Do they take? Do they take?”. Whereupon Kodet is said to have stuck his rod in and retorted to the boatmen passing by: “They are taking our property!”. And Hrušínský fell into a fit of laughter.

Source: Youtube

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