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Jiří Krampol after the death of his wife Hanka: A great return to Zuzana

Krampol I know Šimkem he collaborated in Semafor in the eighties and together they wrote a number of sketches, scenes and short stories, Bubílková After 1989, Šimek chose as a partner for programs in which he devoted himself to political satire – I do not dance with politics and later Political Harassment.

“A lot of people ask me why scenes like Slávek Šimek and Jirka Krampol and so on are not done anymore. I think it’s because they can’t write it. They are not authors! Improvisation is in vogue today, and it’s nothing for me. The right scene must be honestly written and rehearsed, tested in front of the audience and then embellished. It must not be a kitchen, “Bubílková recalls of the golden age of television entertainment, which is associated with Miloslav Šimek.

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