Home » today » World » Jimmy Kimmel apologizes after accusing US Vice President Mike Pence of carrying empty boxes

Jimmy Kimmel apologizes after accusing US Vice President Mike Pence of carrying empty boxes

Mike Pence delivers cartons to a Virginia rehabilitation center on May 7. – Susan Walsh / AP / SIPA

  • Mike Pence, the US vice president, delivered protective gear against the Covid-19 to a medical center in Virginia on Thursday.
  • He exchanged a joke about empty boxes.
  • The joke was used against him in a video montage.

An assembly which misleads. Mike Pence, the US vice president, was not “caught on the fly delivering empty cartons of protective gear for a publicity stunt.”

The 40-second deceptive clip was viewed over 8 million times on Twitter, where it was posted on Friday.

In this sequence, we start by hearing the voice of the American presenter Jimmy Kimmel, who explains: “There he is [Mike Pence], without a mask, carrying cartons of personal protective equipment to a health center and doing his best to lift them. What a hero! He’s barely at the door. And since everything was going so well, and also because he didn’t realize that a microphone was open, Magic Mike decided to continue. Listen carefully. “

From the 21st second, we hear an exchange between the president and his companions. “These are empty, we can leave,” says a guide, pointing to boxes that have remained in a van. “Can I carry the empty ones? Just for the camera? Answers the vice-president. “Certainly,” replies the same guide.

Jimmy Kimmel concludes: “Mike Pence pretending to carry empty boxes of personal protective equipment is the perfect metaphor for who he is and what he does: a large box filled with vacuum delivering other boxes filled with vacuum . “


Mike Pence made a good visit to the Woodbine Rehabilitation and Healthcare Center on Thursday, a center providing rehabilitation care in the state of Virginia, about 10 miles from Washington.

His visit was filmed by C-Span, as Note the American fact-checking site Snopes. The sequence posted on Twitter is a montage, which a spokesperson for Pence
qualified of “real stinking ball”.

The first part of the sequence, where the president carries boxes, is visible from 7 ’50 “on the images of C-Span. At that time, he even launches:” Help is coming! “. Vice-President and his companions will drop a dozen boxes at the entrance of the care center.

The second part of the sequence is visible a minute later: the boxes have been delivered. One of the attendants warns the president, pointing to the bottom of the van: “These are empty, we can leave.” It was then that Mike Pence jokingly replied, “Can I carry the empty ones? Just for the camera? », Triggering some laughs. The chaperone replied with a big smile: “Certainly, they are much easier [à porter] “

The center visited by Mike Pence thanked the vice president on Facebook on Friday. A local TV channel
clarified Thursday that patients from this center tested positive for Covid-19.

Jimmy Kimmel apologized for the sequence on his Twitter account. “It looks like Mike Pence is joking about carrying empty boxes for a com staging,” he wrote on Friday. The full video reveals that he was carrying full boxes for a publicity stunt. I am sorry for that. Before adding, squeaking, “I know how much this administration is concerned with the truth.” The presenter is used to mocking the White House’s communications operations.

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