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JHA webinar on transition…”fly away!”

Photo: JBZ

DEN BOSCH – “Hot flashes” is about the first word following menopause. It is also a common phenomenon in menopausal women. But that is not all. There is much more to be said about the transition. What exactly it is, what accompanies it and not to be forgotten; what can you do yourself?

There are women who continue to walk with menopausal symptoms, out of ignorance or sometimes out of shame. JHA gynecologists Rixt Smit, Mieke Kerkhof and Jacques Dirken think it’s a shame and unnecessary. For this they are organizing a webinar on Wednesday 30 November at 20:00 together with two general practitioners, a menopause consultant and a cardiologist, because women’s hearts also play an important role during menopause.

Heart of a woman

What does the transition have to do with the female heart? And what exactly is the role of hormones? What should you pay attention to to prevent cardiovascular disease? Cardiologist JBZ Maayke Sluman answers these questions and more during the webinar. According to Maayke, heart problems in women are still too often overlooked. Attention to the pattern of disorders and specific risk factors in women creates more awareness on this topic.


Initiator Rixt Smit wants to inform transitioning women and their partners as comprehensively as possible with this webinar. You have a clear message; “Be aware of what happens to your body during the transition, take yourself seriously and don’t keep complaining. “

Gynecologist Mieke Kerkhof also says she sees this stage in a woman’s life as a new and interesting period. “The transition is definitely not the beginning of the end. It’s time to fly away!”

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