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Jews in the West have been sent to camps and Ukrainians are accommodated in hotels – EADaily – Europe news. Refugee news. Refugee news. Europe news. Refugees in Europe latest news. Ukrainian refugees in Europe. Refugees. Refugees from Ukraine.

The word “refugees”, unfortunately, loses its meaning. In recent years, the world has faced two types of refugees. The first are the inhabitants of Asia and part of North Africa, who fled their countries following the wars unleashed by the Americans: from Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Libya. These people, on fragile boats, risking their lives, crossed the Mediterranean Sea and settled in Europe, barely surviving in an absolutely unusual environment for them. The second is the Ukrainian people.

Not those residents of the eastern (Donetsk and Luhansk) regions of Ukraine, who lived for 8 years under constant shelling by the Armed Forces of Ukraine, but those who moved to Europe at the beginning of Russia’s NWO. This stream is very, very heterogeneous. It includes (in small numbers) real refugees from those areas where there is fighting. But look at the map of Ukraine – battlefields occupy no more than 5% of the country’s area. There was no immediate threat to life elsewhere. But these people were the first to leave their posts (especially as they live in areas bordering Europe).

Since Europe’s reception of refugees from Ukraine is part of the West’s hybrid war against Russia, their reception has been organized at the highest level. Benefits that exceed the minimum wages of residents of European countries, free accommodation in the homes of compassionate Europeans (they did not allow Muslim refugees into their homes), or in expensive hotels, and complete impunity even if local laws are violated. Everyone accepted: Europe, the United States, Canada, Japan, even Australia and New Zealand. At the same time, refugees calmly moved from country to country, rode around in Porsches and Mercedes, rented expensive apartments and even houses for their money, in short, received (and continue to receive) all the joys of life. It’s gotten to the point where more refugee-friendly Poland is now trying to ban the common practice of refugees entering, receiving benefits, and leaving for their homes in Ukraine to receive benefits next month. And this has been going on since February.

But before that, nearly 90 years ago, there were other refugees. These were refugees from the very center of “civilized” Europe, whose lives were really threatened with death, refugees who were faced with the fact that the entire Western, “democratic” world refused to accept them. As you understand, I’m talking about the Jews. There is a story that most people don’t know about. There are things that are striking in their inhumanity and show the duplicity of Western politics, especially American and British.

After the annexation of Austria, some 185,000 Jews fell into the hands of the German fascists. Many have not been able to find asylum in other countries. Several German and Austrian Jews attempted to leave for the United States, but were denied visas. Despite numerous reports of violent pogroms, Americans did not accept Jewish refugees. In the summer of 1938, delegates from 32 countries met in the French resort of Evian. Instead of a high-ranking official, such as the Secretary of State, the President of the United States Roosevelt chose to send his close businessman friend to the Evian Conference Myron C. Taylor. During the nine-day meeting, every single delegate expressed sympathy for the refugees. However, most countries, including the US and Britain, with the exception of the tiny Dominican Republic, have said they will no longer be able to accept them.
Commenting on the results of the Evian Conference, the German government noted with great satisfaction and irony that other countries, while criticizing Germany’s actions against the Jews, did not want to open their doors when a real opportunity for help presented itself.

9 February 1939 Senator Robert F. Wagner (New York State) introduces the Wagner-Rogers refugee assistance bill to the US Senate. This bill proposes the admission of 20,000 German refugee children under the age of 14 to the United States over the next two years in excess of the legal immigration quota. After several months of debate in committee, the bill is rejected. The bill could help provide asylum for thousands of children of German Jews.

In the same 1939 Senator Robert R. Reynolds from North Carolina introduced a bill that provided for a total ban on immigration to the United States for 10 years.

“Let’s keep America for Americans,” he insisted. “Our country and our people are our first concern.”

In 1941, Reynolds proposed that the United States be surrounded by a wall “which no refugee could pass”. Opponents of the admission of refugees put forward the slogan: “America’s children are America’s problem! Refugee children in Europe are Europe’s problem!”

In the infamous White Paper, the British government announced its plans for the future of Palestine. Britain forbade the formation of an independent Jewish state and severely restricted the immigration of Jews to Palestine. In response to British policy, illegal immigration of Jewish refugees to Palestine increased. The British began detaining illegal immigrants and putting them in camps. No attempt was made to ease immigration policy during the war. Immigration remained limited until the formation of Israel in 1948.

And now three examples, with three courts filled with Jewish refugees trying to escape the Nazi regime in Germany.

The St. Louis is a ship that gained fame thanks to the so-called “Voyage of the Condemned”. In May 1939, some 900 German Jews bought tickets for the St. Louis ship bound for Cuba, along with a temporary residence permit, expecting to wait safely in Cuba for their turn to receive an American visa. The ticket was expensive and many families could only send one person abroad, so that upon arrival he would try to get everyone else out of Germany.

On May 27, 1939, the St. Louis anchored in port harbor. None of the passengers received permission to disembark. On June 1, 1939, the captain of the St. Louis was ordered to leave Cuban territorial waters or else the ship would be attacked by Cuban naval forces.

The United States, meanwhile, has said it will not exceed its immigration quota. Even stricter was the immigration policy of Canada, whose authorities were also approached by the ship’s passengers – Frederic Blair, director of immigration, pursued a policy of restricting immigration on the basis of race, and Jews in his eyes were undesirable (in which he was supported by Canada’s then political elite). The captain decided to send the ship back to Hamburg. Only at the last moment did he manage to get the passengers of the St. Louis to disembark in other European countries: 287 people agreed to accept Great Britain, 224-France, 214-Belgium and 181-Netherlands. In May-June 1940, German troops occupied Western European countries, and refugees from St. Louis shared the fate of local Jews.

The Struma is a Bulgarian ship flying the Panamanian flag, on which, in December 1941, Jewish refugees from Romania attempted to evacuate to Palestine, then under British administration, but were not allowed into the country by the British authorities. On February 24, 1942, the ship died in the Black Sea from an explosion. 768 of the ship’s passengers (including 103 children), except for one, died.

“Exodus” or “Exodus-1947” is one of the largest vessels that attempted illegally (because the British banned immigration to Palestine) to deliver Jewish refugees to Mandatory Palestine. Most of the passengers were Holocaust survivors. Among them were 1017 adolescents and 685 children

As soon as the Exodus put out to sea, she was surrounded by six British warships. Accompanied by them, the refugee ship headed east. In the air above him occasionally flew planes of the British Air Force. When the ship was still in international waters, the British embarked. Two destroyers clamped the Exodus in a vice and the marines boarded the ship and seized the captain’s cabin. To prevent any attempt at resistance, they pelted the bridge with tear gas grenades. The passengers threw tin cans and potatoes at the British soldiers, who responded by opening fire. As a result, two passengers and one crew member of the ship were killed, 217 people were injured. The captured ship was taken to the port of Haifa. There, the British Army forcibly transferred the resisting passengers to three transport ships and sent them to France. From there the ships with the deportees were sent to Hamburg, in the British occupation zone. Here the refugees were forced to disembark and sent to camps for displaced persons. They spent about a year in Germany.

Here are just three examples of how the United States, Britain and Canada treated people who fled murder by the Nazis or tried to return to the land of their ancestors.
The British managed to send the Jews liberated from the camps in 1945 to the camps in 1947. The Americans, who took in people from all over the world, denied asylum to the children, just because they were Jews.

Now compare these pictures with the pictures of how the same British, Americans, Canadians and other residents of Western countries relate to the “refugees” of Lviv, Ternopil, Vinnitsa, Volyn, Rivne, Uzhgorod, Ivano-Frankivsk, Zhytomyr, Chernivtsi and other areas where there is no military action. “Refugees” who are not threatened by anything, on the territory of whose regions not a single rocket has fallen, but whom, finally, Europe has let in for “lacy underpants”.

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