In the USA, JetBlue Airways announced to abandon its strategic partnership with American Airlines on the lines between Boston and New Yorkfollowing a federal court ruling.
In 2021, the US Department of Justice took legal action to have this agreement concluded in 2020 annulled, on the grounds that it limited competition and “(consolidated) further an already highly concentrated industry“. After the decision of a federal magistrate in Boston, in mid-May, JetBlue Airways had initially indicated its desire to appeal, but the American airline announced on Wednesday, in a press release, that it was renouncing it.
«We are now going to focus even more on our merger with Spirit Airlineswhich is the most effective way to truly transform America’s competitive landscape and provide JetBlue Airways with more routes across the country.,” JetBlue Airways said.
However, here too, the US Department of Justice also took federal action to court in early March over the takeover of Spirit Airlines by JetBlue Airways, arguing that it would lead to an increase in the average fare and reduce the offer available to passengers.
©JetBlue Airways
2023-07-07 06:00:00
#United #States #JetBlue #Airways #American #Airlines #abandon #partnership #air #journal