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“# JeSuisLà”: meet at the end of the world

AZ Films

# JeSuisLà is the kind of feature film that we catch on the fly, a bit by chance.

The kind of dramatic comedy that we wouldn’t necessarily go towards straight away, the congestion at the level of the outputs on the various screens having pushed us to be more and more selective – but not necessarily to make better choices – during the years. last years.

The kind of short film that tackles fairly agreed upon ideas and themes, but whose simplicity, candor and delicacy of approach allow it to make a good impression, and leave its mark in the minds of the viewer.

# JeSuisLà
invites us to accompany chef Stéphane Lucas (Alain Chabat) in his quest for renewal. Following a car accident having confronted him with the time he has left to live on this Earth, Stéphane leaves on a whim for South Korea, to meet a woman with whom he has been corresponding on social media for some time.

The problem is that the latter will never show up at the airport. Not losing hope, Stéphane remains there for several days, chaining the chance encounters that will make him a sort of urban myth on social networks. A particularly inspired and well-crafted turnaround, admitting the presence of this persistent hesitation, even after having thrown oneself into the void.

The director Éric Lartigau, who previously offered us the films The Aries family (2014) and The man who wanted to live his life (2010), is interested here in this same desire to break with tradition and the past, in the need to return to self-discovery. After the rite of passage and the flight, the filmmaker transposes this desire not to miss his existence in a man who has already seen more than half of it.

# JeSuisLà suddenly imposes itself as a kind of cross between the sublime Lost in Translation by Sofia Coppola and The Terminal de Steven Spielberg.

Halfway between these two works, the filmmaker distinguishes and skillfully mixes the notion of openness to the world and that of opening up to the rest of the world, of putting an end to the loneliness that one has for oneself. imposed by force of circumstances. Stéphane has this desire to reach out to people, to exchange views, to start a dialogue, rather than just immersing himself in this new culture with which he is gradually familiarizing himself.

A peculiarity that gives some scenes of magnificent cordiality, in particular that of a one-night collaboration between Stéphane and a local chef.

AZ Films

Doona Bae and Alain Chabat in “# JeSuisLà”

Thomas Bidegain’s participation in the screenplay (who collaborated on the writing of Jacques Audiard’s last four films) is also felt in this absence of overbidding in the dialogues, this restraint allowing each emotion to appear a little more authentic in a group often venturing into known areas.

The same qualifiers are in order to comment on the way in which the duo tackles the whole question of social networks, noting the ridiculousness at the basis of the creation of a viral phenomenon, but especially emphasizing the good sides of this technology (sharing, discovery, inspiration).

The same goes for the distinction between what is true and what is virtual, the life we ​​invent for ourselves, the one we live and the one we dream of, the barriers that are created and that cannot always be shot.

Used to comedy, Alain Chabat certainly walks in the footsteps of Bill Murray here, without pushing the note of the sad clown. His calm performance, imbued with candor, awkwardness and curiosity, perfectly cement the aspirations of Lartigau and Bidegain.

These days, a movie like # JeSuisLà, with the assumed and well-defended lightness, with clear ideas, even if sometimes too supported, supported by an excellent direction of photography and an equally intoxicating soundtrack, is certainly welcome.

It doesn’t change the world, except …

# JeSuisLà is currently playing across Quebec.

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