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Jessika Hädecke: Content Marketing and Storytelling on Instagram

Speaker: Jessika Hädecke, Blogger and owner, yeah! Agency for book marketing, PR and literature events

Lecture 3: 00-3: 15 p.m. // Networking room 3: 20-3: 35 p.m.

Each of us deals with content on a daily basis. But in which form is completely different. Whether I write 300 pages or have to get my message across in 3 sentences and then convert this into images and sound is a completely different world. As an author, you create worlds in which every reader is immersed. You create complex storylines and structures. You can also relate your storytelling skills to your own content marketing and use it. How? I want to give you a little insight into how they plan content and tell stories on Instagram.

Jessika Alexa Hädecke has been blogging under the name since 2014 Miss Paperback, is an alumni of the Media University where she studied media publishing and publishing and founded her agency jah! She advises companies in the field of social media marketing and creates content and social media strategies. In addition, she has been a coach for professional orientation and the development of potential since 2021.


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