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Jessica Thivenin: She explains why Leewane looks like her daddy! It’s hilarious

Jessica Thivenin was very happy yesterday. Indeed, the young woman went for the first time to the spectacle of the nursery of her son Maylone. Besides, the pretty blonde had a great time there. Indeed, when she left, Jess was sad to have to leave Maylone alone at the nursery. The influencer with over 6 million followers was surprised it was so fun and wanted to stay there all day. Unfortunately Jessica you are far too old now to register for nursery again! Several days ago, the young woman’s subscribers were able to discover the decoration of her villa. Moreover for the occasion of the Christmas holidays, Jess did not do things by halves. The young woman decorated 4 Christmas trees. For the first time, New Years Eve and Christmas Day will be at her home in Dubai. His family from France will make the trip to spend the holidays with them!

Jessica Thivenin: She couldn’t stand Thibault anymore during her pregnancy!

Remember, Jessica Thivenin had a complicated pregnancy for Leewane. Indeed, at only 20 weeks, the pretty blonde was losing water. Subsequently Jess had to stay a long time to go to bed, and rest at home in Marseille. Moreover during this period Jessica could not support her husband Thibault any more. In all transparency, she admitted to being easily irritated by her companion.

According to the young mother, it is for this reason that her daughter today looks so much like Thibault Garcia. In a video posted on her Snapchat account, she says: ” She looks like her daddy. I don’t know if it’s true (…) during my pregnancy I couldn’t blame my husband anymore (…) lots of people told me when you can’t see your husband anymore, he will have the same face as him ! And you, what is your take on Jessica’s theory?

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