Home » today » Health » Jessica Thivenin pregnant and in hospital, Julien Tanti sends her a message

Jessica Thivenin pregnant and in hospital, Julien Tanti sends her a message

Hospitalized for a week, Jessica Thivenin gave news of her state of health. And we remind you that if the pretty blonde is in the hospital, it is for the safety of her baby. She said: “We are as you can see in the hospital. I broke the water bag and I lost a lot of blood during the night. You can see that we are only 20 weeks pregnant, so this ‘This is a very complicated situation, very critical in the sense that our baby is not yet viable. So I am being monitored, tested. We are monitoring infections, we are monitoring everything. For now, the baby is fine. “ And after a week without seeing her son, Maylone was able to visit his mom …

Instagram photo of Jessica Thivenin quickly made the Internet users react, but not that … Julien Tanti also commented on the publication of his comrade. And he took the opportunity to give her his support in this period which is not easy for her. The young daddy writes: “Brotherhood of courage”. A message that must certainly have touched Jessica Thivenin who has not always been in good spirits lately. And we also want to give him our full support! In addition, Stéphanie Durant has pushed a rant against those who say that she returned to France to give birth.

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