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Jessica Thivenin in full controversy with Maylone, she pushes a rage against Internet users

Jessica Thivenin was very angry with Internet users and gave a huge rant before making a radical decision … But Maylone’s mother didn’t stop there! The young woman, whom we found recently in broadcast on W9 with The Marseillais in the Caribbean faces a new wave of criticism from Internet users, who were very surprised to see that Maylone was systematically locked in his room. After receiving many questions from those who follow her, Jessica Thivenin decided to answer in her Instagram story that the writing of melty reveals to you above … And the answer she gave to internet users caused a huge salvo of murderous comments proposing to Jessica Thivenin to abandon her dogs, who pushed Maylone’s mother to take a real rage on her Instagram account!

Jessica Thivenin explains that with the many health concerns that Maylone has, she and Thibault Garcia prefer not to take risks and lock up their son to be sure that the dogs do not enter the room and deposit hair on baby’s toys or crib. An explanation that failed to convince some of the internet users who advised the mom to give their dogs… This solution revolted Jessica Thivenin who does not plan for a second to get rid of her pets! A more than clear answer where the candidate of the Marseillais in the Caribbean did not mince her words as she was outraged … While waiting to follow new adventures in the life of Jessica Thivenin and Thibault Garcia, discover here if Maeva Ghennam of the Marseillais in the Caribbean found love with another man thanks to this video which sows doubt. And it is not Greg!

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