Home » today » Entertainment » Jessica Simpson boasts of a FLAT BELLY and is moved by losing 45 kilograms: “I was crying with pride” (PHOTO)

Jessica Simpson boasts of a FLAT BELLY and is moved by losing 45 kilograms: “I was crying with pride” (PHOTO)

Jessicę Simpson can be considered an archetype of a modern celebrity, because it initiated the system in which today’s “universal” stars function. The 41-year-old, in addition to her singing career, has episodes in films, her own reality shows and a clothing brand that brings huge profits to this day.

Though Simpson still uses the popularity gained years ago and certainly does not complain about finances, functioning in show business has cost her a lot. Last year, in the autobiography “Open Book” pleaded guilty to alcoholism and drug addiction. She revealed that she was forced to go to rehab in 2017.

Jessica, however, took care not only of her health, but also the appearance she wanted. Three years ago, she boasted that in six months she managed to lose 45 kg. Since then, the American has proudly displayed her figure via social media.

See also: Jessica Simpson has a hard time getting pregnant

It was no different on Friday, when she praised it on Instagram photo in a bikini. Under the smiling selfie that w a colorful two-piece swimsuit from its latest collection, a hat and white glasses, referred to the path she went through in shedding extra kilos:

I put on and dropped 45 kilos three times, so I wouldn’t have thought that this moment would come. But I’m finally spending my spring break in a bikini! – she writes excitedly, then sharing her recipe for returning to the figure:

Hard work, determination, self-love – he lists, ending the entry with the confession that today she cried “with pride”.

The latest publication by Jessica was full of congratulations. There were also comments in which Internet users wrote that the celebrity looks beautiful regardless of its size.

You look great, Jess, but remember that you are beautiful no matter how you look in a bikini; Great news, but you’re always perfect, no matter what; You can wear anything, regardless of size. Every body is beautiful – we read.

She is the archetype of “typical Jessica” 🙂 and does not write maliciously. She seems to be a straightforward girl with a specific taste, but true to herself. This is important

It looks so much better, it’s true that you don’t look prettier when you are up to the bone. Don’t hate because it’s true. You have to figure it out in your head 🙂 Have a nice weekend doggie!

Bravo for her hard work! 🥰🌺🥰

In Europe, it is like a cauldron. I have no idea where to go if necessary, because everywhere is hesitant.

And I’ve been losing weight all my life

Latest comments (44)

She lost weight. I wonder for how long

The trick is not to lose weight, but to keep weight after a diet. Unfortunately, I know how difficult it is 😒

The last song when your baby was released?

Is she 41 years old? I thought she was closer to 50

I do not believe that I did not have plastic surgery of the abdomen, pregnancy, life three times after 45 kios ..

I thought it was M. Manowska. Why is there the back of doubles now?

before you lose weight like Rafalala.

Big mecyje drop so much having probably a personal chef and dietitian, I am surprised that rich people are fat. I just dropped 20 kg by making myself food before work and after 2 children on my head, buying the cheapest vegetables on promotion in supermarkets, I could only afford prawns when they were on promotion. And they are great on a diet because they are the same protein. And this one is proud of herself because she probably had to come and eat what they gave her and it probably wasn’t a poor avocado. Bay

I have a bag from her collection. cool

By what miracle?! …

5 hours ago

How much can the body bear, women with four breasts ?! A woman who doesn’t have the so-called good genes ?! The pressure to appear and give birth to women is terrifyingly dramatic !!! Nature is not fooled and that’s about it !!! I am not surprised that so many women are afraid of getting pregnant. And this is written by a woman who did not have a weight problem before she was born. Now it’s Armageddon, fighting my appetite, because I’m breastfeeding and I don’t sleep almost at all, and I have a sleep deficit and there is still something to do at home, not to mention the work I finish at night😢 I can’t afford a nanny. I am asking, how come I should look like these celebrities? !!!

She lost weight as artificially as she looks artificially. I don’t want to know what was done to look like this …

..and brushed her teeth? 😜😜😜

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