Home » today » World » Jerzy Nasierowski was sentenced to 32 years in prison. What is the PRL star doing today?

Jerzy Nasierowski was sentenced to 32 years in prison. What is the PRL star doing today?

In the 1960s, Jerzy Nasierowski was one of the brightest stars of Polish cinema and theatre. Partnering with actresses such as Elżbieta Czyżewska and Pola Raksa, he gained public recognition not only on the screen, but also on the stage. His talent was also revealed in popular series such as “Stawka niż życie”. However, behind the facade of artistic success, there was another, dark side of the actor – a life of crime.

No one, neither his family nor his colleagues in the industry, suspected that Nasierowski was leading a double life. Burglaries, thefts, smuggling – all of this was his mysterious daily routine. When the truth came out, the actor became synonymous with a scandalmonger, although he himself never accepted this label.

In an interview with “Metro”, Nasierowski described himself in a way that was surprisingly open.

Writer, actor, ex-con, ex-thief, faggot, atheist, leftist. Fighting. If anything, I’d go to the barricades.

— he said.

He mentioned his origins in a noble family, the Ślepowron coat of arms, which aroused additional interest in him. His apartment in the Old Town of Warsaw was full of antiques, and his social life was legendary. A celebrity of the PRL era, openly admitting to his homosexuality, he was a figure who constantly stirred emotions.

However, it was not only Nasierowski’s private life that was full of sensations. His affair with Andrzej Rukuszewicz, 19 years his junior, who was supposedly a professional installer of sanitary installations and privately involved in thefts, led the actor to prison. Together they created a couple who not only shared their daily lives, but also committed thefts together.

— I am not a scandalmonger and I did not look for additional attractions, they naturally stuck to me. I fell in love. It just so happened that he was a young 16-year-old thief. He did not come from the margins. His father was a mathematician, he wrote books for schools. He died early and that was the main reason my partner lost his way. […] The greater blame was rightly assigned to me. Let’s not kid ourselves. A 35-year-old guy bears moral responsibility for a 16-year-old. I am completely on the side of the court in this case – said the actor in an interview for Plejada.

PRL star Jerzy Nasierowski spent over a decade in prison

A tragic episode in Nasierowski’s life was the break-in at Mira Grelichowska-Wajda’s villa, during which the nurse Anna Wujek was killed. The actor, who did not directly participate in the attack, later testified against his lover, which was the beginning of the trial. “For humanitarian reasons, I want to explain the circumstances known to me regarding the murder of Anna Wujek, committed by Andrzej Rukuszewicz and Maciej Banaś. I want to explain this because innocent people were held responsible for this crime,” the actor testified.

Nasierowski’s trial was widely commented on in the press. Accused of planning a robbery of a villa and contributing to the death of Anna Wujek, the actor appeared in court. The prosecutor demanded a severe sentence for him, but the final sentence — 25 years in prison — was the result of a compromise.

I was rightly morally responsible for indirect participation in the so-called murder, rightly for theft and fiscal crimes. But the trial was a farce. My “defender” – in time it turned out to be a secret collaborator – omitted the entry in the case file saying that I was the one who notified the militia

— the actor commented in an interview with Wirtualna Polska.

Nasierowski spent ten and a half years in prison, which he used to prepare materials for his book “Zbrodnia i…”. His release from prison in 1983, thanks to the intercession of influential people, opened a new chapter of life for Nasierowski. His book, published under a pseudonym, became a bestseller, and he himself – although living modestly on a small pension – is still creatively active.

We know what Jerzy Nasierowski is doing today

Today, at the age of 91, Jerzy Nasierowski does not shy away from new technologies and tries his hand at the TikTok platform. His recordings, in which he shares his everyday life with fans and comments on current events in Poland, are gaining popularity among Internet users.

I can limit my needs to a minimum. I manage to earn a little money in the theater. Unfortunately, we don’t play very often, because the cast of our show is a group of fantastic, talented actors and it’s hard for us to reconcile other commitments with working in the show. — said the actor in an interview with Plejada.

Despite his turbulent past, Nasierowski seems to have found peace and come to terms with his mistakes. His life, full of twists and turns, is a reminder of how thin the line is between light and shadow, between success and failure.

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