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Sergey Surabekyants
The ancient Greek Stoic philosopher Epictetus, who went from a Roman slave to a famous scientist, once remarked: “A person is worried not so much about real problems as about his imaginary worries about real problems.” At this year’s New York Times Dealbook Summit, a series of interviews with top executives, Jensen Huang spoke about his phobia: “I don’t think people are trying to put me out of business – I’m sure of that. I live in conditions where we are partly in despair, partly in ambition.”
Image Source: NVIDIA
With the world’s sixth-largest market cap at $1.155 trillion and more than doubling over the past three years, NVIDIA is unlikely to go bankrupt overnight. Huang co-founded the graphics giant in 1993 with Chris Malachowsky, now NVIDIA’s senior vice president of engineering and operations, and Curtis Priem, and has led the company ever since.
“I like to live in a state where we are about to die”“says Huang, explaining that such circumstances stimulate him and encourage him to make every effort to achieve his goals. Given NVIDIA’s dominance in the GPU and AI industry, it’s possible that Jensen’s comments like this may just be marketing hyperbole or that he’s actually suffering from impostor syndrome. The latter is a psychological state in which a person does not consider his achievements deserved or tends to devalue his own successes. Scientists say that every two out of five successful people on Earth are susceptible to this syndrome, which is not considered a disease. Even Albert Einstein complained that “The emphasis on respect that surrounds my life’s work makes me feel out of place. I can’t help but feel like a fraud.”
In the same interview, Huang shared his thoughts on the prospects for complete independence of the US semiconductor industry: “Complete supply chain independence will not be a realistic practical goal for a decade or two.” Jensen explained that some NVIDIA systems use up to 32,000 parts. Dozens of companies around the world are engaged in the production of graphics processors, printed circuit boards, memory chips, electronic components, radiators, fans and other components.
2023-12-01 17:07:00
#Jensen #Huang #admitted #founding #NVIDIA #afraid #sudden #bankruptcy #company