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Jennifer Aniston revealed the secrets of her youthful appearance. This way it feels (and looks) great!

Jennifer Aniston for many women it is a true icon when it comes to sense of style. Many people admire the star of Friends for other reasons as well, one of which is keeping in consistently good shape for many years. Aniston is quite a lot inspiracjê for many generations. What is she doing that makes time seem completely irrelevant to her?

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Jennifer Aniston’s Secrets to a Healthy Routine

Taking care of yourself is a serious matter for an actress. After all, virtually everything else depends on our well-being and health. For these reasons, Jen has developed her rituals to help her take care of her body and mind. Aniston told E! News that the most important thing for her is meditation. Another very important part of the day is … coffee.

Coffee and meditation. Or Meditation with a bit of coffee, the order depends on the day, adds Aniston.

When it comes to diet, Jennifer has been supplementing collagen for many years. This ingredient is great for the skin and hair. Usually, he chooses powdered collagen, which he adds to his morning smoothies or along with coffee milk.

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Each day is definitely better for Jen when she can go out for long walks with her dogs. In this way, it calms down thoughts and gains a lot of positive energy. When it comes to morning rituals, Aniston also follows another healthy rule – no e-mails, phone calls, texts or social networks. Morning is the time to recover and prepare for the rest of the day – no need for extra stimuli.

Aniston pleaded guilty to teenage food rebellion

The actress’s mom was a bit crazy about healthy eating. Little Jennifer was forbidden to eat any fast food and sweets, and her diet was ruled by healthy sprouts and oatmeal. Mom also encouraged Aniston to practice yoga together.

Satisfied, Blanka Lipińska gave up the diet for one dayCheat day Lipińska. “I ate french fries in three different restaurants. I’m so happy”

As a teenager, I rebelled and started eating loads of sweets and other unhealthy things. This, of course, had an impact on my health – a terrible complexion, mood swings and a changing body made me admit that my mother was right after some time. I realized that she meant good for me – remembers Jennifer.

After this adventure, Jen’s approach to food and physical activity changed. She already knew that they played a significant role in our well-being.

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