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“Jemaâ El Fna live”, a remote artistic event

The Moroccan public will be there next Saturday with a remote artistic event, dubbed “Jemâa El Fna live”, with the participation of a group of storytellers, contemporary artists and researchers in the intangible heritage.

This unprecedented artistic and cultural event includes performative shows, “Halkas” and “talk”, indicates a press release from the “Forum de Marrakech Demain”, initiator of this artistic event. This artistic event was designed by 27 artists in solidarity, in addition to 24 storytelling artists who will participate through the works of the German director Thomas Landenberger.

“An unprecedented remote artistic production, led by local players in a creative effort to combat social isolation at a time when some of us have never felt so alone,” said the same source.

The program includes works by contemporary artists in the area of ​​the intangible heritage of the square and actors concerned with the Living Treasures of Jemâa El Fna, classified by UNESCO in 2001 as intangible cultural heritage. Among the participating artists are storytellers Mohamed Barriz, Hajjiba El Mekkouri and Abderrahim El Makourri (Azalia), Lmsieh (Abdelilah Amal), Haddaoua, Mariam Amal (Ghiwane), Raiss Ibrahim Laaskri (Rwaiss) and Bana Abderrahim (Tkitikate).

The artistic event also includes films on Al Halka and Jemâa El Fna square, as well as performances by contemporary artists inspired by the square, including the choreography (Taoufiq Izidiou), the tale (Mehdi El Ghali) and the tale and the woman (Maha El Madi).

The virtual artistic and cultural event, which will be led by experts and researchers in the tangible and intangible heritage, will be enhanced by the organization of a remote conference under the theme “the arts, the artists and the Jemaâ El Fna post -Covid “.

SL (with MAP)

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