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Jeffrey Epstein’s infamous island: – “No one” has been here:

Little is known, but much has been said and written about exactly what which took place on the infamous island of Little St. James in the Caribbean Sea.

The tropical private island was bought by the abusive billionaire Jeffrey Epstein in 1998, and is located in the US Virgin Islands – a favorite tax haven.

Here, Epstein, who took his own life in a remand prison in New York in 2019, spent a lot of time. Here he received many famous guests. And here is Epstein, according to one lawsuits filed after his death, have committed a number of abuses against girls as young as eleven years old.

SPEAKING OUT: A number of women talk about abuse in the new Netflix documentary series “Jeffrey Epstein: Filthy Rich”. Watch the trailer.
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FBI action against the island

When Epstein was imprisoned in New York, he was accused of committing and arranging abuse of underage girls in the states of New York and Florida.

When the FBI took action against the island in 2019, it was to investigate whether his private island had also been used as a crime scene.

After the FBI’s action, the American Andy Bracco sat and waited. For more information about the island. In pictures from the island, not just photos of the island.

Bracco waited in vain.

– I wanted to know and see what the island was like. I waited and waited, but there were never any pictures from the island, and no one but the authorities visited it. Then I began to wonder: “Why does no one go and visit the island?”, Says Bracco, who conducts urban exploration, to Dagbladet.

– That was when I decided to do it myself, he adds.

WATCH TV: The FBI took action against Epstein’s private island in 2019.
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Without a doubt: Illegal

And that is why Dagbladet contacts him.

The American video blogger is one of the few people who are neither affiliated with the US government nor Epstein’s circle, who have visited the island.

Or: “visited” is not entirely correct, because it means that Bracco was invited.

He was not.

Bracco makes no secret of the fact that what he did on two occasions in August 2020 was illegal.

– Exactly that was worrying. Technically, the US Virgin Islands is not part of the US, but a US territory, and there are slightly different laws and regulations there, including what to do with intruders, says Bracco about the anguish he had before sneaking on the island.

ON THE ISLAND: Bracco stayed away from the guards on the island, but saw several buildings up close. Photo: Andy Bracco
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– Completely surreal

The locals in the area had warned him in advance about guards on the island. A couple of weeks before, he therefore studied the island by staring at satellite images. A few days before he snuck onto the island, he studied it from a boat.

– Then we found a good point on the island where we could add, says Bracco.

He and his friends decided to sneak onto the island before dawn on an August day in 2020. At that time, the chance of being caught was least, Bracco assumed.

– It was sick. It was completely surreal to walk on the island while we knew all the stories. It was horrible, but it did not sink in completely after a while, says the video blogger.

– What was your first impression?

– That it was much bigger than I had imagined. I knew the dimensions, but climbing the cliff on the island… I did not think it would be so high. At the highest point on the island we looked down towards the landing pad of the helicopter, and it was so far away. It would have taken us five minutes to reach the coastline.

NEW PICTURES: The late billionaire Jeffrey Epstein’s “Zorro-ranch” has recently been filmed and photographed. Photo / video: thisischriswhite.com
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Worried for several months

However, it was not when Bracco was on the island, he was most anxious, he tells Dagbladet.

– I do not want to say that I was scared, but I started to get stressed when we sat in the boat on the way to the island. When I was first there, I managed to put it away and concentrate on getting the video clips I needed, says Bracco.

And the second time he was on the island, two days after the first time, he was far more relaxed.

– But I was still careful and stayed far away from the guards, says Bracco.

It was time after the stunt, after publishing the video clips from the island on YouTube, that Bracco began to worry.

– I was worried for several months, but it has not had any consequences, as far as I know, he says to Dagbladet.

AT A PARTY: A video clip from NBC News, filmed in 1992, shows financier Jeffrey Epstein and President Donald Trump conversing in festive layers together. The video was taken after Trump’s statement that he “never liked” Epstein. Jeffrey Epstein is charged with human trafficking and sexual exploitation. Video: CNN
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Spread to the whole world

He published the two YouTube videos from the island visit in August last year. Then Bracco’s videos got a lot of attention, but it was not until this year that the visit made headlines around the world.

Bracco posted several clips from the island on TikTok, and when another user accused the American of fabricating the clip, the TikTok video began to spread at high speed.

In a short time it received over 200,000 views, and at the time of writing is the video viewed over 633,000 times.

– It got a lot of coverage then, but now it has really gone all over the world, says Bracco, who in recent days has also been interviewed by American, German, French and British media – to name a few.

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