Home » today » Business » Jef Troupe Musical Show Featuring Jacques Brel’s Work at Orch’Idées Theater in Boussay, January 20, 2024

Jef Troupe Musical Show Featuring Jacques Brel’s Work at Orch’Idées Theater in Boussay, January 20, 2024

Par Editorial Clisson
Published on 20 Jan 24 at 5:35 p.m. See my news Follow L’Hebdo de Sèvre et Maine

This Saturday, January 20, 2024, the Orch’Idées theater in Boussay will host the Jef troop with its musical show which features part of the work of Jacques Brel.

Around an accordion and a piano, the actors tell a story punctuated with anecdotes and songs by Jacques Brel, to laugh, cry, shiver and get carried away together.

A story of friendship

The story: three friends return from a painful moment. In their den, alone with their distress, after a few drinks, tongues loosen.

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Memories resurface punctuated by violence and love, tinged with jealousy and brotherhood. Will the strong, but battered, friendship resist the excesses of temper and the secrets revealed? For 1 hour 30 minutes, this story will be punctuated with songs by Jacques Brel.

Saturday January 20, 2024 at 8:30 p.m., at the Théâtre des Orch’Idées (9, rue du Val de Sèvre). Box office: Prices: Adult (€15), under 18s (€10).

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2024-01-21 11:27:31
#LoireAtlantique #songs #Jacques #Brel #heart #story #friendship #show

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