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Jean Reno discusses new spy novel, life in New York and his famous friends on the cover of Paris Match

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Jane Renoactor Big Blue and of Leonpublishes his first spy novel on 16 May Emma, published by XO. For the event, he gave an interview to our colleagues from Paris game. He hosted the magazine in his apartment in Greenwich Village, a popular and mostly residential area of ​​New York. He lives surrounded by pictures of everyone he cares about. To begin with his wife Zofiaformer model, who was an egérie of Ralph Lauren“, we learn.

There is also his own design, in addition to, “in a frame on a shelf“, cliché that is “We recognize Jean with his friends: Luc Besson, of course, but also Dustin Hoffman, Steve Martin, and especially Johnny, present everywhere“. And when our colleagues asked him if he had many friends in New York, he answered: “Many, no. But there are people with whom I get on well. French people, like Marc Lévy (…) and Americans like Robert de Niro, who don’t live far away.

Regarding his relationship with the star of the Taxi driverhe develops: “He is an acquaintance I would describe as a strong person. I say that you should not meet your idols: you are often deceived. But Robert is one of those rare legends that deserves to be known, he is a very deep man.“Another question we ask ourselves: why New York? “Because that’s where I met Zofia (with whom he has two children: Cielo was born in 2009, and Dean was born in 2011, editor’s note). So we stayed here, without asking any questions.

Jean Reno and his connection with France

Jean Reno lived on the other side of the country, but she doesn’t have very good memories of it: “New York is easily my favorite city over Los Angeles, where I lived for six months while filming Godzilla. I suffered a lot from loneliness there. In America, if you talk about opening a candy store, everyone thinks it’s a good idea. In France, people will look at you like you’re crazy.“Besides, he doesn’t miss France.

And he explains why: Because I go there whenever I want. As for Paris, I don’t like it at all anymore. It’s confusing, chaotic, violent, I’m not comfortable with it anymore, and many friends of my generation think the same. But the South is good. Daniel Auteuil is very close to my house. Didier Flamand is in Arles.“An unusual mystery!

2024-05-08 07:30:00
#Jean #Reno #Paris #chaotic #violent #city #talks #life #soughtafter #area #York #wife #Zofia #Purepeople

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