Basquiat makes the Fondation Beyeler vibrate
The Fondation Beyeler is staging an exhibition with key works by the painter Jean-Michel Basquiat, which are being shown together for the first time.
New York street scene: On “Boy and Dog in a Johnnypump” a boy bathes in the fountain of a fire hydrant.
With the second show it became vinegar, say nothing: a year after Jean-Michel Basquiat had exhibited in the birthplace of Aceto balsamico, he returned to Modena in 1982. Within a few days, the exceptional talent, who literally exploded onto the art market, painted eight large-format canvases. His Italian gallery owner provided him with a warehouse and material for them.
2023-06-09 14:53:07
#Basquiat #Fondation #Beyeler #vibrate