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Jean-Michel Aulas Denies Involvement in Laurent Blanc Case at Olympique Lyonnais

No, Jean-Michel Aulas did not get involved in the Laurent Blanc case at Olympique Lyonnais. This Sunday, the former owner of OL denied having sent a rather caustic message against John Textor.

This surprised a lot of people, but on Saturday evening, in the wake of OL’s slap in the face against Montpellier, and in response to a fan who suggested that the new owner of Olympique Lyonnais was more concerned about Botafogo than the Rhone club, Jean-Michel Aulas had launched: “He (Editor’s note: John Textor) can send the Botafogo coach. “A missile straight in the eyes of the American businessman, but which according to the former boss of OL does not come from him. This Sunday morning, Jean-Michel Aulas alerted everyone, he is not the author of this scud on X (formerly Twitter), his account having been hacked. An account of which he has visibly regained control, since he deleted the message left on Saturday evening. Present on this social network for many years, such a mishap had never happened to JMA, which wanted to report it to Olympique Lyonnais.

Aulas did not post this message

Indeed, Jean-Michel Aulas tagged not only Elon Musk’s social network, but also OL and Florent Deligia, director of corporate communication for Olympique Lyonnais. “I realize that my Twitter account has been hacked. I am obviously not the author of the tweet published yesterday at 11:27 p.m., which I immediately delete. I am reporting this malicious act to X, ”explained the former OL boss, who, according to the reactions to his explanatory message, did not convince anyone. It is true that in recent weeks, Jean-Michel Aulas had publicly had bittersweet exchanges with Santiago Cucci, the executive president of Olympique Lyonnais.

2023-08-20 10:33:54
#Aulas #hacked #degenerates #Lyon

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