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Jean Messiha summoned in investigation for police officer jackpot fundraiser – 20 Minutes

Jean Messiha, figure of the extreme rightis summoned on November 20 in the investigation into his jackpot of support to the family of the police officer who killed the young man Nahel in June, AFP learned this Friday from a source close to the matter.


According to this source, Jean Messiha, who announced the information on CNews this Friday morning, is summoned for a hearing as a free suspect in this investigation opened for fraud by the Paris prosecutor’s office and entrusted to the Brigade for the Repression of Astute Delinquency (BRDA). “Who have I defrauded? If they are the donors, it is up to them to file a complaint against me. Not a single one of the approximately 87,000 donors did so. If it’s Nahel’s family, what have I defrauded them of and how has the pot for the policeman’s family harmed them in any way? », asks Jean Messiha, contacted by AFP.

1.6 million euros raised

“I filed a complaint against Nahel’s kitty for the same reason” and it “has not to date been processed by the prosecution even though the complaint filed against me was accepted within 48 hours,” denounces the former advisor to Marine Le Penwho sees it as “proof” of justice “as partial as it is partial”.


Police officer Florian M. killed Nahel, 17, on June 27 during a road check in Nanterre (Hauts-de-Seine), near Paris. This death, followed by the indictment of the police officer for intentional homicide, had relaunched the debate in France on police violence and caused several nights of serious violence in many cities in France.


Jean Messiha justified his prize pool, which raised more than 1.6 million euros, by the desire to support “the family of the police officer of NanterreFlorian M., who did his job and who is today paying a high price”, referring to his placement in pre-trial detention maintained since the end of June.

Nahel’s family had filed a complaint in particular for organized gang fraud, denouncing “fraudulent maneuvers” and “lies” by the former figure of the Front national aimed at “deceiving” donors to raise funds. This summons “is excellent news even if it would have been more appropriate for the police to arrest him” because Jean Messiha “could be tempted to flee the country”, reacted Me Yassine Bouzrou, lawyer for Nahel’s family.

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