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Jean-Marie Dedecker opens terraces in Middelkerke o …

Mayor of Middelkerke Jean-Marie Dedecker plans to reopen the catering establishments in his municipality on 1 May. He says this in response to the decision of the Consultation Committee to postpone the relaxation until 8 May. Dedecker has already indicated several times that he would reopen terraces regardless of the measures.

Not everyone on the coast is equally happy with the decision about the catering terraces. The mayors of Ostend and Knokke-Heist, among others, are disappointed. ‘I had hoped for May 1. From the end of April, people with 10 people are allowed to eat outside together (from April 26 you can meet outside with ten people if the distance is respected, ed.) but sitting on a terrace is not yet allowed. I would have preferred to see it differently, but I do accept the decision of the Consultation Committee ‘, says Mayor of Ostend Bart Tommelein (Open VLD). Tommelein is also concerned about the period up to May 8th. ‘Hopefully it will not be 20 degrees with sun on the weekend of May 1, because then we will have a problem on the coast.’

During the Easter holidays, the mayor of Middelkerke Jean-Marie Dedecker himself had patio tables installed on the seawall. There people can consume their takeaway meals and drinks. However, it does not stop there for Dedecker. Now that the consultation committee has decided to reopen the catering terraces on May 8, the Middelkerk mayor does not want to wait any longer.

‘Don’t play games’

‘The terraces in Middelkerke may open on 1 May’, it sounds. ‘I’m tired of chasing a carrot like a donkey. The light at the end of the tunnel always turns out to be an approaching train. The terraces will provide more security and spread. It’s a matter of public health, ‘says Dedecker. In the coming weeks, the mayor will consider how he will do everything.

Flemish Prime Minister Jan Jambon (N-VA) does not agree with Dedecker’s demarche. He showed that on Wednesday evening To the point. ‘I can share the feeling that he is tired of it, and for me it should have been May 1 as well. But let’s now, we people who have to take responsibility, do not play games and do not profile ourselves, ‘he called on all mayors. “May 1 or 8, that’s no world of difference now.” Jambon will also contact Mayor Dedecker, he said.

Federal Minister of Health Frank Vandenbroucke (Vooruit) responded somewhat less understanding. ‘That is a very easy attitude that you can sympathize with as mayor today. But if everyone is up for it tomorrow, it’s the Far West here, ‘he said. “I think mayors should respect the laws.”

The new exit strategy: these relaxations have been put forward by the Consultation Committee

Fellow coastal mayor of Knokke-Heist Piet De Groote (Municipal Interests) has the same opinion. ‘The corona measures are simply no longer being followed. People invite people to their homes and that cannot be controlled. It is a lot safer to receive people in the hospitality industry, where strict protocols apply. ‘ De Groote even fears that a reopening of the terraces on May 8 will not be feasible in this way. A bubble of 10 in the garden quickly ends up indoors when it is too cold outside. I fear that the infections will just increase and that May 8th will be jeopardized. ‘

‘Good perspective’

Mayor of Blankenberge Daphné Dumery (N-VA) is happy with the perspective. ‘This is a good perspective, especially for a coastal city. Finally there is a clear approach. Now we can fully prepare for May 8. ‘ In Blankenberge, the current alcohol ban will also expire with the end of the Easter break at the end of April. ‘That ban will not be renewed. If there is any nuisance somewhere, we intervene. ‘

West Flemish governor Carl Decaluwé is also cautiously positive. ‘In any case, the terraces will provide a better spread, if everything is well organized. Hopefully this perspective will ensure that support among the population grows again and that the rules are followed more closely. ‘

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