FranceJean-Luc Reichmann has his scooter stolen
The facilitator begins his week badly. He shared a video on Instagram returning to his misadventure.
Jean-Luc Reichmann was able to count on his fans to cheer him up on Instagram.
TF1 screenshot
The week starts in bad conditions for Jean-Luc Reichmann. This Monday, January 16, the host of “12 Coups de midi on TF1” announced that his scooter was stolen. And it is video in support that he shared his dismay with his subscribers. “In the middle of the night, they’ve just stolen my scooter, the week is off to a great start…”, he declares, while we can see the police in the background.
Jean-Luc Reichmann concluded his video sadly: “It’s going to be hot this week. That’s life… It’s a bit hard anyway.
Fortunately, the favorite host of the French is very supported and all his fans have already left benevolent messages to help him overcome this unpleasant incident. “Good luck Jean-Luc”, “Courage for the rest of the week” or even “It won’t give you back your scooter but I’ll give you a hug to warm your morale (heart)”, can we read, among other things , in the comments.
He had however ended the week in very good company, as can be seen in his previous post. “A Sunday that starts well! Do you know the man who played Tarzan in “Greystoke” but also in “Highlander” and “Subway”!? The Great and unique Christophe Lambert kisses you. A real pleasure,” he shared.
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