Jean Lassalle, the former elected official of Lourdios-Ichère, is an icon, a myth, a figure – let’s call it what we want. He has known the political party system for decades, he doesn’t care much about the image it gives (and he probably never cared at all) and doesn’t hesitate not to tell their story to journalists or second-rate politicians. It is a physical and moral monolith. It is a head of the XIIIe century posed as a joke on a suit and tie. Jean Lassalle is intelligent, hardworking, close to the people without the slightest demagoguery. He loves what he does and he does it well.
Asked about South Radio at André Bercoff, on 1is March, the Béarnais was once again true to himself. He says that he knew a time when France exported 60 to 70% of its agricultural production, and that it is now the opposite. Annoyed by this absurdity, he concludes, with rage in his stomach: “And as long as I have a drop of blood left, I will demonstrate that France is not a shitty little country! It is a very large country, which has the capacity to produce everything! » It gives chills, be said humbly. He believes in it and he is one of the last. We want to answer him that we know it, too, that we believe in it, and that it’s so nice not to feel alone, for once.
Jean Lassalle would make an incredible Minister of Agriculture or even the head of a large ministry in peripheral France, in a union of rights that would go as far as possible, in the best sense of the term. Unsurprisingly star of our Agricultural Show, to which he is the only one who can show up without any risk, Jean Lassalle is perhaps the last piece of the puzzle of the winning coalition on the right. He loves the poor. He has nostalgia for the old days. And he understands France. That, in particular, of the yellow vests. On the right, not everyone can say the same and tick these three boxes… If, in 2027, like those Marvel blockbusters where a team of heroes from all walks of life come together to fight against evil, Jean Lassalle were to be one of these heroes, without a doubt, we would have fun. But above all, we would learn to love France again!