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Jean-Jacques Goldman: 20 years later, he fills theaters thanks to the Goldmen group

Jean-Jacques Goldman has disappeared from concert halls for more than 20 years, but for fans and nostalgic people, there is the Goldmen, a tribute band led by Douai singer Alain Stevez. The group fills the Zénith and will perform on November 26, 2023 in Beauvais.

He brings back to life the legendary hits of Jean-Jacques Goldman! The Goldmen group, led by the Douais singer Alain Stevez, a true vocal mirror of the iconic singer, happily fills the Zénith de France. Next stop in the region: Beauvais, November 26, 2023.

Comfortably installed on the show’s couch You are amazingcap on his head and smile on his lips, Alain Stevez enthuses: “We didn’t expect to tour the Zénith throughout France, and even Belgium and Switzerland.”

“We had the chance to cross paths with Philippe Tassart who is also the producer of Rabeatsthis Picardy group which covers the hits of Beatles. He believed in us. And the public follows! We have loyal fans, around a hundred people who come to almost every concert.”

duration of the video: 00h01mn35s

The northern tribute band Goldmen is touring the Zénith.


How to explain this resounding success? “Jean-Jacques Goldman don’t sing anymore, we’re filling a gapunderlines Alain Stevez. We are a bandage to the absence that Jean-Jacques generates among his fans. He’s not coming back, so we have a place to take!”

“As soon as we start playing, the spectators are in another world, in their memory. We try to stick as closely as possible to Jean-Jacques’ repertoire. I think there are 108 songs, so we are lucky to be able to change repertoire, replacing a few songs from time to time.”

Nothing predestined Alain Stevez for this career. He worked in construction, as a crane operator: “At the top, on my crane, I felt like I was on stage, the whole site knew me. I had the opportunity to join an orchestra, guitar and singing, variety… I cut my teeth there. Someone suggested to me the idea of ​​singing Goldman and with friends, we created the group which has six musicians.”

Incredible thing, not only is Alain Stevez almost a vocal double of Goldman but he also looks like him physicallyeven if he was not aware of it at first: “A tribute band worthy of the name must have a physical resemblance. At first I put on a wig and it turned out that there was a little “silhouette” that I cultivated. I have long hair now, the wig was really too stressful!” The result is stunning !

Is the goal to copy Goldman or is there a little personal touch? “We give free rein to the musicians, about 20%, replies the singer. For example, Manu, on guitar, will make references to other pieces by Jean-Jacques and sometimes the audience realizes this, because they know the arrangements by heart!”

Jean-Jaques Goldman said: “Alain, he has a fault, he sings better than me now!”

Alain Stevez, singer of the tribute band Goldmen

Do we know what Jean-Jacques Goldman thinks of this tribute band? The response comes immediately: “He thinks well of it. He said he liked Goldmen : « Good band, good musicians, good spirit”. He even declared: “ Alain, he has one flaw, he sings better than me now! “. He insisted on it now.” (Laughs).

And Alain Stevez, what does he think about when he is on stage? “We are transported by the music. Playing Goldman takes you into his world which is festive, seesawing, full of emotions. We can cry, we can laugh, we can dance. We’re somewhere else.”

There is no Goldmen album, but a DVD of the tour. She will stopover on November 26 in Beauvais, February 2, 2024 in Anzin, February 16 in Amiens and March 16 in Lille.

Alain Stevez was the guest of You are amazing on November 16, 2023. To watch the show again, it’s ici.

2023-11-25 06:00:30
#JeanJacques #Goldman #years #fills #theaters #Goldmen #group

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