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Jealous for no reason, he cut his ‘half-hearted wife’ unconscious and left

(PLO) – Angry because his “fake wife” was jealous for no reason, Ut used a knife to slash and beat the victim with his hands, causing her to lose consciousness and then leave.

On the morning of December 15, the People’s Court of Long An province opened a first instance trial for defendant Ta Van Ut (46 years old, Tan Thanh commune, Tan Thanh) on the charge of murder.

The trial of defendant Ta Van Ut. Photo: HUYNH DU

According to the indictment, Ut works as a farmer, has a wife and three children, is divorced, knows and lives as husband and wife with Ms. Pham Thi Dung (42 years old, Long Hoa commune, Can Duoc district, Long An).

On the afternoon of January 8, Ut rode his motorbike to pick up Ms. Dung to his house to prepare to ask for a wife for his son. Here, Ut and Ms. Dung had a conflict when Ms. Dung thought Ut was calling another woman and was jealous. Ut explained and said he was just calling his son, then the two continued to argue.

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Defendant Ta Van Ut at trial. Photo: HUYNH DU

Angry, Ut used his hand to hit Ms. Dung many times, then continued to drag her.not registered wife” Entering the bathroom, Ut picked up a knife from the kitchen floor, grabbed Ms. Dung’s hair, and slashed several times at Ms. Dung’s body.

Seeing the victim using his hand to stop the bleeding, Ut threw away the knife, continued to use his hand to repeatedly hit the head and face until the victim fainted and then left.

About 10 minutes later, Ms. Dung woke up, crawled out to the street to call for help and was taken to the hospital by people. According to the assessment, the victim suffered 26% injuries.

UUT, after committing the crime, fled the locality. At the end of February, he went to the police station and confessed. After the incident, the defendant’s daughter proactively compensated the victim 60 million VND.

In court, Ut said it was only a moment of anger caused by his “fake wife”‘s unreasonable jealousy that caused the incident, asking the jury to consider reducing the penalty.

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The jury sentenced defendant Ta Van Ut to 7 years in prison. Photo: HUYNH DU

The jury judged that from a minor conflict, Ut used a dangerous weapon to slash a vital area of ​​the victim’s body, clearly demonstrating his thuggish nature. After seeing the victim bleeding profusely, the defendant did not take him to the emergency room but instead used his hand to beat the victim until he lost consciousness. The defendant’s behavior showed fierceness and disregard for the lives of others. The injuries can lead to death if not treated promptly, and the fact that the victim did not die is beyond the defendant’s subjective consciousness.

However, the defendant surrendered, partly overcoming the consequences and the victim also asked for a reduced sentence for the defendant, so they decided to sentence him to seven years in prison, forcing the defendant to compensate the victim 40 million VND. .

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Binh Phuoc: Jealous, the man chased and slashed his wife

(PLO)- Suspecting that his wife was having an affair, a man in Binh Phuoc chased and beheaded her.


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